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Moor-Spierstaude, Grosses Mädesüss, Wiesengeissbart

Filipendula ulmaria (Spiraea ulmaria)

Meadow Sweet, Queen of the Meadow

Planet:   Venus
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken

Blutungen Bleedings
Ausfluss Fluxes
Erbrechens Vomitings
Menstruation Womens Courses
Weissfluss and the Whites
Malaria Quartan Ague
Kolik Chollick
Öffnet den Bauch Opens the Belly
Heilt alte Geschwüre Old Ulcers healeth
Entzündungen im Mund Sore Mouths
oder der Genitalien or Secrets
Erzeugt Blasen Raise Blisters
Entzündete Augen Inflamation in the Eyes

Description: The Stalks of this are reddish, rising to be three foot high, somtimes four or five foot, having at the Joynts thereof large winged Leavs, standing one above another at distances, consisting of many and somwhat broad Leavs, set on each side of a middle rib , being hard, rough, or rugged, crumpled much like to Elm Leavs, having also some smaller Leavs with them (as Agrimony hath) somewhat deeply dented about the edges, of a sad green colour on the upper side, and graish underneath, of a pretty sharp scent and tast, somwhat like unto Burnet, and a Leaf hereof put into a Cup of Claret Wine giveth also a fine rellish to it: At the tops of the Stalks and Branches stand many tufts of small white Flowers, thrust thick together, which smel much sweeter than the Leavs: and in their places, being fallen, come crooked and cornered Seed; The Root is somwhat woody, and blackish on the outside, and [200] brownish within, with divers greater strings, and lesser Fibres set thereat, of a strong scent, but nothing so pleasant as the Flowers and Leavs and perisheth not, but abideth many yeers, shooting forth anew every Spring.
Place: It groweth in moist Meadows, that lie much wet, or neer the Courses of Water.
Time: It Flowreth in some place or other all the three Summer Months, that is, June, July, and August, and their Seed is ripe quickly after.
Use: It is used to stay all manner of Bleedings, Fluxes, Vomitings, and Womens courses, and also their Whites, It is said to alter and take away the fits of Quartan Agues, and to make a merry heart, for which purpose some use the Flowers, and some the Leavs. It helpeth speedily those that are troubled with the Chollick, being boyled in Wine; and with a little Honey taken warm, it openeth the Belly: but boyled in red Wine and drunk it stayeth the Flux of the Belly. Being outwardly applied, it healeth old Ulcers that are Cankrous or eaten, or hollow and Fistulous, for which it is by many much commended, as also for the Sores in the Mouth or secret parts.
The Leavs when they are full grown being laid upon the Skin, will in a short time raise Blisters thereon, as Tragus saith. The water thereof helpeth the heat and Inflamation in the Eyes.
Venus claims dominion over the Herb.
Edgenote: Bleedings, Fluxes, Vomitings, Womens Courses, and the Whites, Quartan Ague, Chollick, Opens the Belly, Old Ulcers healeth, Sore Mouths, or Secrets, Raise Blisters, Inflamation in the Eyes.

22.12.2024 J.N.