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| | | PRIVET |
Ligustrum vulgare
Planet: Mond
Energie: leicht trocken und leicht kühl
| Stichworte: |
Lotionen zum Waschen bei entzündetem Mund und Hals |
Lotions to wash sore Mouths & Throats |
Kühlt Entzüdungen |
Cool Inflamations |
Trocknet Ausfluss |
Dry Fluxes |
Entzündete Wunden |
Inflamation in Wounds |
Kopfschmerz |
Headach |
Ausfluss |
Fluxes |
Menstruation |
& Womens Courses |
Blutverlust |
Voiding Blood |
Schnupfen in the Augen |
Rhewm in the Eyes |
| | | |
Description: |
Our common Privet is carried up with many slender Branches, to a reasonable height and breadth, to cover Arbours, Bowrs, and Banquetting Houses, and brought, wrought, and cut into many forms, of Men, Horses, Birds, &c. which though at first supported, groweth afterwards strong of it self: It beareth long and narrow green Leavs by couples, and sweet smelling white Flowers in tufts at the ends of the Branches, which turn into smal black Berries that have a Purplish Juyce within them, and some Seeds that are flat on the one side, with a hole or dent therein. |
Place: |
It groweth in this Land in divers Woods. |
Time: |
Our Privet Flowreth in June and July; The Berries are ripe in August and September. |
Use: |
It is little used in Physick with us in these times, more than in Lotions to wash Sores, and Sore Mouths, and to cool Inflamations and dry up Fluxes. Yet Mathiolus saith it serveth to all the uses for which Ciprus or the East Privet is appointed by Dioscorides and Galen. He further saith, That the Oyl that is made of the Flowers of Privet infused therin, and set in the Sun, is singular good for the Inflamations of Wounds, and for the Headach coming of an hot caus. There is a sweet water also distilled from the Flowers that is good for all those Diseases that need cooling and drying, and therefore helpeth all Fluxes of the Belly or Stomach. Bloody Fluxes, and Womens Courses, being either drunk or applied, as also for those that void Blood at their Mouth or at any other place, and for Distillations of Rhewms into the Eyes especially if it be used with Tutiae. |
Edgenote: |
Lotions to wash sore Mouths & Throats, Cool Inflamations, Dry Fluxes, Inflamation in Wounds, Headach, Fluxes, & Womens Courses, Voiding Blood, Rhewm in the Eyes. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |