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Portulak, Burzelkraut

Portulaca oleracea


Planet:   Mond
Energie: sehr kalt und mässig feucht

Kühlt Hitze des Blutes bei heissem Wechselfieber Cooleth heat of Blood in hot Agues
Cholerisch Chollerick
Ausfluss Fluxes
Menstruation Womens Courses
Weissfluss und Tripper (Gonorrhoe) the Whites & Gonorrhea
Ausscheidungen Distillations
Ekstase Phrensie
Hitze im Urin Heat of Urine
Liebeslust Lust
und Erotische Träume and Venerous Dreams
Würmer Worms
Erbrechen Vomiting
alter old
Trocken Husten dry Cough
Kurzatmigkeit Short Breath
und Lungentuberkulose & Phtisick
Geschwüre an den Genitalien Ulcers in the secret parts
Rötung der Augen Redness of the Eyes
und Entzüdungen and Inflamations
Steifer Hals Crick
oder Schmerzen im Nacken or pain in the Neck
Verletzungen durch Blitze Blastings by Lightning
Verbrennungen durch Schiesspulver Burning by Gun-pouder
Entzündete Brüste Sore Breasts
Kleinkind - Nabel Childrens Navils
Entzündungen im Mund Sore Mouths
Geschwollenes Zahnfleisch & swollen Gums
Festigt Zähne Fastneth Teeth
Zahnschmerzen Toothach
Blutiger Urin Bloody Urine
Gicht Gout
Krämpfe Cramp
Steifheit der Sehnen & stifness of the Sinews

Description: The Garden Purslane (being used as a Salet Herb) is so well known that it needeth no Description; I shal therefore only speak of its Vertues, as followeth.
Place: -
Time: time
Use: It is good to cool any heat in the Liver, Blood, Reins, and Stomach, and in hot Agues, nothing better; It stayeth hot and Chollerick Fluxes of the Belly, Womens Courses, the Whites, and Gonorrhea, or running of the Reins, the Distillations from the Head, and pains therein proceeding of heat, want of sleep, or the Phrensie. The Seed is more effectual than the Herb, and is of singular good use to cool the heat and sharpness of Urine, and the outragious Lust of the Body, Venerious Dreams, and the like, insomuch that the overfrequent use hereof, extinguisheth the Heat and Vertue of Natural Procreation. The Seed bruised and boyled in Wine and given to Children, expelleth the Worms.
The Juyce of the Herb is held as effectual to all the purposes aforesaid, as also to stay Vomitings; and taken with some Sugar or Honey, helpeth an old and dry Cough, shortness of Breath, and the Phtisick, and stayeth immoderate Thirst. The Distilled water of the Herb is used by many (as the more pleasing) with a little Sugar, to work the same effects. The Juyce also is singular good in the Inflamations and Ulcers of the secret parts in man or woman, as also of the Bowels and Hemorrhoids, when they are Ulcerous, or Excoriations in them. The Herb bruised and applied to the Forehead and Temples, allayeth excessive heat therein, hindring rest and sleep; and applied to the Eyes taketh away the redness and Inflamation in them, and those other parts, where Pushes, Wheals, Pimples, St. Anthonies Fire and the like break forth, especially if a little Vinegar be put to it: And being laid to the Neck with as much of Galls and Linseed together, taketh away the pains therein, and the Crick in the Neck. The Juyce is used with Oyl of Roses for the said causes, or for blastings by Lightning, and Burnings by Gun-Pouder, or for Womens sore Breasts, and to ally the heat in all other Sores or Hurts: applied also to the Navels of Children that stick forth, it helpeth them: It is also good for sore Mouths, and Gums that are swollen to fasten loos Teeth. Camerarius saith, That the distilled water used by some, took away the pain of their Teeth when all other Remedies failed, and that the thickned Juyce made in Pills with the Pouder of Gum Tragacanth, and Arabick, being taken prevaileth much to help those that make a bloody water. Applied to the Gout, it easeth pains thereof, and helpeth the hardness of Sinews if it come not of the Cramp, or a cold caus.
'Tis an Herb of the Moon. See Lettice.
Edgenote: Cooleth heat of Blood in hot Agues, Chollerick, Fluxes, Womens Courses, the Whites & Gonorrhea, Distillations, Phrensie, Heat of Urine, Lust, and Venerous Dreams, Worms, Vomiting, old, dry Cough, Short Breath, & Phtisick, Ulcers in the secret parts. Redness of the Eyes, and Inflamations, Crick, or pain in the Neck, Blastings by Lightning, Burning by Gun-pouder, Sore Breasts, Childrens Navils, Sore Mouths, & swollen Gums, Fastneth Teeth, Toothach, Bloody Urine, Gout, Cramp, & stifness of the Sinews.

22.12.2024 J.N.