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THE POPLAR-TREE | |||||||||||||||||||||||
SäulenpappelPopulus nigraBlack PoplarPlanet: Saturn
Stichworte: |
Description: | There are two sorts of Poplars which are most familiar with us, Viz. The Black, and the White, both which I shall here describe unto you. The white Poplar groweth great and reasonable high, covered with a thick smooth white Bark, especially the Branches, having large Leavs cut into several devisions almost like a Vine Leaf, but not of so deep a green on the upper side, and hoary white underneath, of a reasonable good scent, the whol form representing the Leaf of Coltsfoot. The Catkins which it bringeth forth before the Leavs, are long, and of a faint reddish colour, which fall away bearing seldom good Seed with them. The Wood hereof is smooth, soft, and white, very finely waved, whereby it is much esteemed. The Black Poplar groweth higher and straiter than the White, with a grayish Bark bearing broad and green leaves somwhat like Ivy Leavs, not cut in on the edges like the White, but whol and dented, ending in a point, and not white underneath, hanging by slender long Footstalks, which with the Air are continually shaken like as the Aspin Leavs are: The Catkins hereof are greater than of the White, composed of many round green Berries as it were set together in a long Cluster, containing much downice matter, which being ripe is blown away with the wind, The clammy Buds hereof before they spread into Leavs, are gathered to make the Unguentum Populeon, and are of a yellowish green colour and smal, somwhat sweet, but strong. The Wood is smooth, tough, and white, and easie to be cloven: On both these Trees groweth a sweet kind of Musk, which in former times was used to be put into sweet Oyntments. |
Place: | They grow in moist Woods and by water sides in sundry places of the Land, yet the white is not so frequent as the other. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | Their time is likewise expressed before, The Catkins coming forth before the Leavs and ripen in the end of Summer. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The White Poplar, saith Galen, is of a clensing property: The weight of one ounce in Pouder of the Bark thereof being drunk saith Dioscorides is a Remedy for those that are troubled with the Sciatica, or the Strangury: The Juyce of the Leavs dropped warm into the Ears easeth the pains in them: The yong clammy Buds or Eyes before they break out into Leavs, bruised, and a little Honey put to them, is a good Medicine for a dull Sight. The Black Poplar is held to be more cooling than the White, and therefore the leavs bruised with Vinegar and applied, helpeth the Gout; The Seed drunk in Vinegar is held good against the Falling-sickness. The Water that droppeth from the hollow places of this Tree, taketh away Warts, Pushes, Wheals, and other the like breakings out in the Body. The yong black Poplar Buds, saith Mathiolus, are much used by Women to beautifie their hair, bruising them with fresh Butter and straining them after thay have been kept for some time in the Sun. The Oyntment called Populeon, which is made of this Poplar, is singular good for all heat, or Inflamation in any part of the Body, and tempereth the heat of Wounds: It is much used to dry up the Milk in Womens Breasts, when they have weyned their Children. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Edgenote: | Sciatica, Strangury, pain in the Ears, Dull sight, Gout, Falling-sickness, Warts, Pushes & Wheals, Heat & Inflamations, Dryeth Womens Milk. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |