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Gewöhnlicher Tüpfelfarn

Polypodium vulgare


Planet:   Saturn
Energie: neutral warm und leicht trocken

Trocknet Säfte Dryeth Humors
Reinigt verbrannte Galle purgeth burnt Choller
Phlegma Flegm
Melancholie Melancholly
Malaria Quartan Agues
Milz Spleen
Kolik Chollick
Gestörter Schlaf Troublesom sleeps
Husten Cough
Kurzatmigkeit Shortness of Breath
und Keuchen and Wheesings
Lungen Lungs
Lungentuberkulose phtisick
Ausrenkungen Member out of Joynt
Polypen oder Erkrankungen der Nase pollipus or Diseas in the Nose
Gestaute Finger oder Zehen Chops in the Fingers or Toes

Description: This is a smal Herb consisting of nothing but Roots and Leavs: bearing neither Stalk, Flower, nor Seed as it is thought. It hath three or four Leavs rising from the Root, every one singly by it self, of about a hand length, which are winged, consisting of many smal narrow Leavs, cut into the middle rib standing on each side of the Stalk, large below, and smaller up to the top, not dented or notched on the edges at all, as the Male Fern hath; of a sad green colour and smooth on the upper side, but on the underside somwhat rough, by reason of certain yellowish spots set thereon: The Root is smaller than ones little finger lying aslope, or creeping along under the upper crust of the earth, browish on the outside, and greenish within, of a sweetish harshness in tast, set with certain rough Knags on each side thereof, having also much Mossiness or yellow hairiness upon it, and some Fibres underneath it, whereby it is nourished.
Place: It groweth as well upon old rotten stumps, or trunks of Trees, as Oak, Beech, Hazel; Willow, or any other, as in the Woods under them; and upon old Mud Wals, as also in Mossie, Stony, and gravelly places, neer unto Woods; That which groweth upon Oaks is accounted the best, but the quantity thereof is scarce sufficient for the common use.
Time: It being alwaies green, may be gathered for use at any time.
Use: Mesues (who is called the Physitians Evangelist, for the certainty of his Medicines, and the truth of his Opinions) saith, That it drieth up thin Humors, digesteth thick and tough, and purgeth burnt Choller, and especially tough and thick Flegm, and thin Flegm also, even from the Joynts; and is therfore good for those that are troubled with Melancholly; or Quartan Agues, especially if it be taken in Whey, or Honeyed Water, or in Barley water, or the Broth of a Chicken with Epithimum, or with Beets and Mallows. It is also good for the hardness of the Spleen and for prickings or Stitches in the sides, as also for the Chollick, some use to put to it some Fennel Seeds, or Annis Seeds or Ginger to correct that loathing it bringeth to the Stomach, which is more than needeth, it being a safe and gentle Medicine fit for al persons at al seasons, which daily experience confirmith; And an ounce of it may be given at a time in a Decoction, if there be not Saena or some other strong purger put with it. A dram or two of the Pouder of the dried Roots, taken fasting in a cup of Honeyed water, worketh gently, and for the purposes aforesaid. The distilled water both of Roots and Leavs is much commended for the Quartan Ague, to be taken for many daies together, as also against Melancholly, or fearful or troublesom sleeps or Dreams, and with some Sugar Candy dissolved therein, is good against the Cough, shortness of breath and Wheesings, and those distillations of thin Rhewm upon the Lungs, which caus Phtisicks, and oftentimes Consumptions. The fresh Roots beaten smal: or the Pouder of the dried Roots mixed with Honey and applied to any Member that is out of Joynt, doth much help it: Applied also to the Nose cureth the Diseas called Polipus, which is a piece of Flesh growing therein which in time stoppeth the passage of breath through that Nostril; And it helpeth those clefts or Chops that come between the fingers or Toes.
And why I pray must Pollipodium of the Oak only be used, Gentle Colledg of Physitians, can you give me but a glimps of a reason for it? is it only becaus it is dearest? will you never leave your covetousness till your lives leav you? The Truth is, that which grows upon the Earth is best ('tis an Herb of Saturn and he seldom climbs trees) to purge Melancholly, if the humor be otherwise, chuse your Pollipodium accordingly.
Edgenote: Dryeth Humors, purgeth burnt Choller, Flegm, Melancholly, Quartan Agues, Spleen, Chollick. Troublesom sleeps, Cough, Shortness of Breath, and Wheesings, Lungs, phtisick, Member out of Joynt, pollipus or Diseas in the Nose, Chops in the Fingers or Toes.

22.12.2024 J.N.