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PLUMS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pflaume (Zwetschge als Unterart)Prunus domesticaPlumsPlanet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | These are so well known that they need no Description. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | As there is great diversity of the kinds, so is there in the operations of Plums, for some that are sweet, moisten the Stomach and make the Belly soluble; those that are sowr quench thirst more and bind the Belly; the moist and waterish do soonest corrupt in the Stomach, but the firm do nourish more and offend less: The dried Fruit sold by the Grocers under the name of Damask Prunes, do somwhat loosen the Belly, and being stewed are often used both in health and sickness, to rellish the Mouth and Stomach to procure Appetite, and a little to open the Body, allay Choller, and cool the Stomach: Plum-tree Leavs boyled in Wine, is good to wash and gargle the Mouth and Throat to dry the Flux of Rhewm coming to the Pallat, Gums, or Almonds of the Ears. The Gum of the Trees is good to break the Stone. The Gum or Leavs boyled in Vinegar and applied, killeth Tetters and Ringworms. Mathiolus saith, The Oyl pressed out of the Kernels of the Stones, as Oyl of Almonds is made, is good against the inflamed Piles, the Tumors or Swellings of Ulcers, Hoarsness of the voice, roughness of the Tongue and Throat, and likewise the pains in the Ears. And that five ounces of the said Oyl taken with one ounce of Muscadine, driveth forth the Stone, and helpeth the Chollick. All Plums are under Venus, and are like Women, some better, some worse. |
Edgenote: | Open the Belly, Quench Thirst, pind the Belly, procure Appetite, Allay Choller, Cool the Stomach, Rhewm, Stone, Tetters & Ringworms, Piles, Ulcers, Hoarsness, and pains in the Ears, Stone, and Chollick. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |