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Gelber Günsel

Ajuga chamaepitys

Ground Pine (Common)

Planet:   Mars
Energie: mässig warm und sehr trocken

Häufiger Harndrang Strangury
Stauungen Obstructions
Gebärmutter Mother
Menstruation Womens Courses
Totgeburt und Nachgeburt Dead Child and Afterbirth
Gicht Gouts
Krämpfe Cramps
Lähmungen Palseys
Ischias Sciatica
Schmerzen und weiteres Aches &c
Wassersucht Dropsie
Gift von Eisenhut poyson of the Aconites
Giftige Lebewesen venemous Creatures
Kalter Husten Cold Cough
Lähmungen Palsie
Harte Brüste und harte Schwellungen Hard Breasts & hard Swellings
Geschwüre und alte wunde Stellen Ulcers & old Sores
Alte Wunden Green Wounds

Description: Our common Ground Pine groweth low, seldom rising above an handbreadth high, shooting forth divers smal Branches, set with slender smal long narrow grayish or whitish Leavs somwhat hairy; and devided into three parts many times many bushing together at a Joynt, and somtimes some growing scatteredly upon the Stalks, smelling somwhat strong like unto Rozin; the Flowers are somwhat smal and of a pale yellow colour growing from the Joynts of the Stalks all along among the Leavs, after which come small, long, and round Husks: The Root is smal woody perishing every yeer.
Place: It groweth more plentifully in Kent than in any other Country of this Land; as namely, in many places from on this side Dartford, along to Southfleet, Cotham, and Rochester, and upon Chattam down hard by the Beacon, and half a mile from Rochester in a Field nigh a Hous called Selsey.
Time: It Flowreth and giveth Seed in the Summer Months.
Use: The Decoction of Ground Pine drunk, doth wonderfully prevail against the Strangury or any inward pains arising from the Diseases of the Reins and Urine, and is especial good for all Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen and gently openeth the Body, for which purpose they were wont in former times to make Pills with the Pouder thereof, and the Purple Figs. It marveilously helpeth all the Diseases of the Mother used inwardly, or applied outwardly, procuring Womens Courses, and expelling the dead Child and afterbirth, yea it is so powerful upon those Feminine parts that it is utterly forbidden to Women with Child, in that it will caus abortment or delivery before the time: It is as effectual also in all pains and Diseases of the Joynts, as Gouts, Cramps, Palseys, Sciatica, and Aches; either the Decoction of the Herb in Wine taken inwardly, or applied outwardly, or both for some time together, for which purpose the Pills made with the Pouder of Ground Pine, and of Hermodactils with Venice Turpentine are very effectual. These Pills also are special good for those that have the Dropsie, to be continued for some time. The same is a special good help for the Jaundice, and for griping pains in the Joynts, Belly, or inward parts: It helpeth also all Diseases of the Brain proceeding of cold and Flegmatick Humors and Distillations, as also for the Falling-sickness. It is an especial Remedy for the Poyson of the Aconites of all sorts, and other poisonful Herbs, as also against the stinking of any Venemous Creature: It is a good Remedy for a cold Cough, especially in the beginning. For all this purposes aforesaid, the Herb being tunned up in new Drink and drunk is almost as effectual, but far more accetable to weak and dainty Stomachs. The Distilled Water of the Herb hath the same effects, but more weakly. The Conserve of the Flowers doth the like, which Mathiolus much commendeth against the Palsey. The green Herb or the Decoction thereof being applied, dissolveth the hardness of Womens Breasts, and all other hard Swellings in any other part of the Body. The green Herb also applied, or the Juyce thereof with some Honey, not only clenseth putrid, stinking foul and Malignant Ulcers and Sores of all sorts, but healeth and sodereth up the lips of green Wounds in any part also.
Let Women forebear it if they be with Child, for it works violently upon the Foeminine part; and Mars owns it, I tell them but so.
Edgenote: Strangury, Obstructions, Mother, Womens Courses, Dead Child and Afterbirth. Gouts, Cramps, Palseys, Sciatica, Aches &c, Dropsie, poyson of the Aconites, venemous Creatures, Cold Cough, Palsie, Hard Breasts & hard Swellings, Ulcers & old Sores, Green Wounds.

22.12.2024 J.N.