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PIMPERNEL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acker-GauchheilAnagallis arvensisScarlet PimpernelPlanet: Sonne
Stichworte: |
Description: | Common Pimpernel hath diverse weak square Stalks lying on the ground beset all along with two smal and almost round Leavs at every Joynt one against another, very like Chickweed, but hath no Footstalks, for the Leavs do as it were compass the Stalk: The Flowers stand singly each by themselves at them and the Stalks, consisting of five round small pointed Leavs of a fine pale red colour, tending to an Orange, with so many threds in the middle, in whose places succeed, smooth round Heads, wherein is contained smal Seed. The Root is smal and fibrous perishing every yeer. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth every where almost, as well in the Meadows and Cornfields, as by the Waysides, and in Gardens arising of it self. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowreth from May unto August, and the Seed ripeneth in the mean time and falleth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | This is of a clensing and attractive quality, whereby it draweth forth Thorns or Splinters, or other such like things gotten into the Flesh, and put up into the Nostrils purgeth the Head; and Galen saith also they have a drying faculty, whereby they are good to soder the lips of Wounds, and to clens foul Ulcers. The distilled Water or Juyce is much esteemed by French Dames to clense the Skin from any roughness, deformity, or discolouring thereof: Being boyled in Wine, and given to drink, it is a good Remedy against the Plague, and other Pestilential Feavers, if the Party after taking it warm lie in his bed and sweat for two hours after, and use the same twice at least. It helpeth also all stingings and bitings of Venemous Beasts or mad Dogs, being used inwardly and applied outwardly: The same also openeth the Obstructions of the Liver, and is very available against the Infirmities of the Reins, it provoketh Urine, and helpeth to expel the Stone and Gravel out of the Kidneys and Bladder, and helpeth much in all inward Wounds and Ulcers. The Decoction or distilled Water is no less effectual to be applied to all wounds that are fresh and green, or old filthy fretting and running Ulcers, which it very effectually cureth in short spaces. A little Honey mixed with the Juyce and dropped into the Eyes clenseth them from cloudy mists, or thick Films which grow over them and hinder the sights: It helpeth the Toothach being dropped into the Ear on the contrary side of the pain. It is also effectual to eas the pains of the Hemorrhoids or Piles. |
Edgenote: | Thorns or Splinters, purgeth the Head, Wounds & Ulcers, Clenseth Face, Plague & Pestilential Feavers, Venemous Beasts, Mad Dogs biting, Obstructions, Urine, Stone and Gravel, Wounds & Ulcers, Clouds or Mists in the Eyes, Toothach, Hemorroids. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |