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Kleines Immergrün

Vinca minor

Periwinkle (Great)

Planet:   Venus
Energie: mässig warm und leicht trocken

Stoppt Blutungen Stanch bleeding
Menstruation Womens Courses
Ausfluss des Bauches Flux of the Belly

Description: The common sort hereof hath many Branches trayling, or running upon the ground shooting out smal Fibres at the Joynts as it runneth, taking thereby hold in the ground and Rooteth in divers places. At the Joynts of these Branches stand two small dark green shining Leavs, somwhat like Bay Leavs, but smaller, and with them come forth also the Flowers (one at a Joynt standing upon a tender Footstalk) being somwhat long and hollow, parted at the brims, somtimes into four somtimes five Leavs, the most ordinary sort are of a pale blue Colour, some are pure white, and some of a dark reddish Purple colour. The Root is little bigger than a Rush, bushing in the ground, and creeping with his Branches far about, whereby it quickly possesseth a great compass, and is therfore most usually planted under Hedges, where it may have room to run.
Place: Those with the pale blue, and those with the white Flowers grow in Woods and Orchards by the Hedg sides in diverse places of this Land. But those with the Purple Flowers in Gardens only.
Time: They Flower in March and April.
Use: The Periwincle is a great binder, staying bleeding both at Mouth and Nose, if some of the Leavs be chewed: The French use it to stay Womens Courses. Discorides, Galen, and Aegineta commend it against the Lask, and Fluxes of the Belly to be drunk in Wine.
Venus owns this Herb, and saith that the Leavs eaten by man and wife together, causeth love between them.
Edgenote: Stanch bleeding, Womens Courses, Flux of the Belly.

22.12.2024 J.N.