Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 PEPPERWORT, or DITTANDER


Breitblättrige Kresse, Pfefferkraut

Lepidium latifolium


Planet:   Mars
Energie: extrem heiss und sehr trocken

Ischias Sciatica
Gicht Gout
Schmerzen in Gelenken pains in the Joynts
Verfärbungen der Haut Discolourings of the Skin
Male und Narben von Verbrennungen Marks & Scars by Burning
Schnelle Geburt Speedy Delivery

Description: Our common Pepper-wort sendeth forth somwhat long and broad Leavs, of a light blewish green colour, finely dented about the edges, and pointed at the ends, standing upon round hard Stalks three or four foot high, spreading many Branches on all sides, and having many smal white Flowers at the tops of them, after which follow small Seed in small Heads: The Root is slender running much under ground, and shooting up again in many places; and both Leavs and Root, are very hot and sharp of tast like Pepper, for which caus it took the name.
Place: It groweth Naturally in many places of this Land, as at Clare in Essex, neer also unto Exceter in Devonshire, upon Rochester common in Kent; in Lancashire and divers other places; but is usually kept in Gardens.
Time: It Flowreth in the end of June, and in July.
Use: Pliny and Paulus Aegineta say that Pepper-wort is very effectual for the Sciatica, or any other Gout or pain in the Joynts, or any other inveterate grief; the Leavs hereof to be bruised and mixed with old Hogs grease and applied to the place; and to continue thereon four hours in Men, and two hours in women, the place being afterwards bathed with Wine and Oyl mixed together, and then wrapped with Wool or Skins after they have sweat a little. It also amendeth the Deformities or discolourings of the Skin, and helpeth to take away Marks, Scars, and Scabs, or the foul marks of burning with fire or iron. The Juyce hereof is in some places used to be given in Ale to drink to women with child, to procure them a speedy delivery in Travail.
Here's another Martial Herb for you, make much of it.
Edgenote: Sciatica, Gout, pains in the Joynts, Discolourings of the Skin, Marks & Scars by Burning, Speedy Delivery.

22.12.2024 J.N.