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PENY-ROYAL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PoleiminzeMentha pulegiumPennyroyalPlanet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | This is so well known unto all (I mean the common kind) that it needeth no Description. There is a greater kind than the ordinary sort found wild with us, which so abideth being brought into Gardens, and differeth not from it but only in the largeness of the leavs and Stalks, in rising higher, and not creeping upon the ground so much. The Flowers whereof are Purple, growing in Rundles about the Stalk like the other. |
Place: | The first which is common in Gardens groweth also in many moist and watery places of this Land. The second is found wild in Essex in divers places by the High-way from London to Colechester, and thereabouts more abundantly than in other Countries, and is also planted in their Gardens in Essex. |
Time: | They Flower in the latter end of Summer, about August. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Dioscorides saith, That Peny-royal maketh thin, tough Flegm, warmeth the coldness of any part whereto it is apylied, and digesteth raw or corrupt matter: Being boyled & drunk, it provoketh Womens Courses and expelleth the dead Child and afterbirth, and staieth the disposition to Vomit, being taken in Water and Vinegar mingled together. And being mingled with Honey and Salt it avoideth Flegm out of the Lungs, and purgeth Melancholly by the Stool. Drunk with Wine it helpeth such as are bitten or stung with Venemous Beasts: and applied to the Nostrils with Vinegar, reviveth those that are fainting and swouning. Being dried and burnt it strengtheneth the Gums; It is helpful to those that are toubled with the Gout being applied of it self to the place until it wax red: and applied in a Plaister, it taketh away spots or marks in the Face: Applied with Salt, it profiteth those that are Splenetick or Liver-grown. The Decoction doth help the Itch, if washed therwith: Being put into Baths for Women to sit therein, it helpeth the Swelling and hardness of the Mother. The green Herb bruised and put into Vinegar clenseth foul Ulcers, and taketh away the marks and bruises of blows about the Eyes, and all discolourings of the Face by fire, yea and the Leprosie, being drunk and outwardly applied: Boyled in Wine with Honey and Salt, it helpeth the Toothach. It helpeth the cold Griefs of the Joynts, taking away the pains, and warming the cold parts, being fast bound to the place after a bathing, or sweating in an hot hous. Pliny addeth that Penny-royal and Mints together help faintings or swounings, being put into Vinegar, and put to the Nostrils to be smelled unto, or a little thereof put into the Mouth. It easeth the Headach, and the pains of the breast and Belly, stayeth the gnawing of the Stomach, and inward pains of the Bowels; being drunk in Wine it provoketh Womens Courses, and expelleth the dead child and afterbirth: Being given in Wine it helpeth the Falling-sickness: Put into unwholsom or stinking Water that men must drink (as at Sea, and where other cannot be had) it maketh them the less hurtful: It helpeth Cramps or Convulsions of the Sinews being applied with Honey, Salt, and Vinegar. It is very effectual for the Cough, being boyled in Milk and drunk, and for Ulcers or Sores in the Mouth. Mathiolus saith, The Decoction thereof being drunk, helpeth the Jaundice and Dropsie, and all pains of the Head and Sinews that come of a cold caus, and that it helpeth to clear and quicken the Eyesight. Applied to the Nostrils of those that have the Falling-sickness, or the Lethargy, or put into the Mouth, it helpeth them much, being bruised and with Vinegar applied. And applied with Barley Meal, it helpeth Burnings by fire, and put into the Ears, easeth the pains of them. The Herb is under Venus. |
Edgenote: | Tough Flegm, Terms provokes, Dead Child & Afterbirth, Vomiting, Melancholly, Venemous Beasts, Fainting and Swouning, Gums, Gout, Marks in the Face, Toothach, Pains in the Joynts, Headach, pains of the Belly & Breast, Falling-sickness, Stinking Water, Cramps & Convulsions. Sore Mouth, Jaundice, Dropsie, pains of the Head & Sinews, Eyesight, Lethargy, Burnings. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |