Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 THE PEAR-TREE



Pyrus communis

Pear Tree

Planet:   Venus
Energie: neutral kühl und leicht feucht

Pilze Mushroms
Magen Stomach
Entzüdungen Inflamations
Kühlt Cool
Zusammenziehend Bind
Wunden Wounds

Description: These are so well known that they need no Description.
Place: -
Time: -
Use: For their Physical use they are best discerned by their tasts: All the sweet or lushious sorts whether manured or wild, do help to move the Belly downward more or less:

Those that are harsh and sowr do on the contrary bind the Belly as much; and the Leavs do so also. Those that are moist do in some sort cool, but harsh or wild sorts much more, and are very good in repelling Medicines: as if the wild sorts be boyled with Mushroms, it maketh them the less dangerous. The said Pears boyled with a little Honey, helpeth much the oppressed Stomach, as al sorts of them do, some more, some less; but the harsher sorts do most cool and bind, serving well to be bound to green wounds to cool and stay the Blood, and heal up the wound without further trouble or Inflamation; as Galen saith he hath found by experience. And wild Pears do sooner close up the Lips of green Wounds than the others.
Schola Salerni adviseth to drink much Wine after Pears, or els (they say) they are as bad as poyson, nay and they curs the Tree for it too, but if a poor man find his Stomach oppressed by eating Pears 'tis but working hard and it will do as wel as drinking Wine. The Tree belongs to Venus, and so doth the Apple-tree.
Edgenote: Mushroms, Stomach, Inflamations, Cool, Bind, Wounds.

22.12.2024 J.N.