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Heracleum sphondylium

Parsnip (Cow)

Planet:   Merkur
Energie: -

Husten Cough
Atemnot Difficulty of breath
Epilepsie Falling-sickness
Gelbsucht Jaundice
Fisteln Fistula
Phlegma Flegm
Leber Liver
Gebärmutter Mother
Trägheit Lethargy
Ekstase Frenzy
Kopfschmerz Headach
Krätze Scabs
Gürtelrose Shingles

Description: This groweth with three or four large spread, winged, rough, Leavs, lying often on the Ground, or else raised a little for it, with long, round, hairy footstalks under them, parted usually into five devisions, the two couples standing each against other, and one at the end, and each Leaf being almost round, yet somwhat deeply cut in on the edges in some Leavs, and not so deep in others, of a whitish green colour, smelling somwhat strongly: among which ariseth up a round crested hairy Stalk two or three foot high with a few Joynts and Leavs thereon, and branched at the top, where stand large Umbels of white, and somtimes reddish Flowers, and after them, flat, whitish, thin winged Seed, two alwaies joyned together. The Root is long and white with two or three long strings growing down into the ground, smelling likewise strongly, and unpleasant.
Place: It groweth in moist Meadows, and the borders and corners of Fields, and neer Ditches, generally through this Land.
Time: It Flowreth in July, and Seedeth in August.
Use: The Seed hereof as Galen saith is of sharp and cutting quality, and is therefore a fit Medicine for the Cough and shortness of Breath, the Falling-sickness and the Jaundice. The Root is available to all the purposes aforesaid, and is also of great use to take away the hard skin that groweth on a Fistula, if it be but scraped upon it. The Seed hereof being drunk clenseth the belly from tough Flegmatick matter therein: easeth them that are Liver-grown, and Womens passions of the Mother, as well being drunk as the smoke thereof received underneath, and likewise raiseth such as are fallen into a deep sleep, or have the Lethargy, but burning it under their Nose: The Seed and Root boyled in Oyl, and the Head rubbed therewith, helpeth not only those that are fallen into a Frenzy, but also the Lethargy or Drowsie evil; and those that have been long troubled with the Headach, if it be likewise used with Rue: It helpeth also the running Scab and the Shingles: The Juyce of the Flowers dropped into the Ears that run and are ful of matter, it clenseth and healeth them.
Edgenote: Cough, Difficulty of breath, Falling-sickness, Jaundice, Fistula, Flegm, Liver, Mother, Lethargy, Frenzy, Headach, Scabs, Shingles.

22.12.2024 J.N.