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Sedum telephium


Planet:   Mond
Energie: mässig trocken und mässig kühl

Hautabschürfungen im Darm Excoriation of Bowels
Lungentuberkulose Phtisick
Unterleib Womb
Blutiger Ausfluss Bloody Flux
Wunden Wounds
Entzüdung Inflamation
Verbrühungen Scalding
Verbrennungen Burnings
Peritonsillarabszess Quinsie
Zerrungen Ruptures

Description: Common Orpine riseth up with diverse round brittle Stalks, thick set with fat and fleshy Leavs without any order, and little or nothing dented about the edges, of a pale green colour; The Flowers are white or whitish growing in tufts, after which come small chaffy Husks, with Seed like dust in them. The Roots are diverse thick, round white tuberous clogs; and the Plant groweth not to big in some places as in others where it is found.
Place: It is frequent almost in every Country of this Land, and is cherished in Gardens with us, where it groweth greater than that which is wild, and groweth in the shadowy sides of Fields and Woods.
Time: It Flowreth about July and the Seed is ripe in August.
Use: Orpine is seldom used in inward Medicines with us, although Tragus saith from experience in Germany that the distilled water thereof is profitable for gnawings or excoriations in the Stomach or Bowels, and for Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, or other inward parts, as also in the Matrix, and helpeth all those Diseases, being drunk for certain daies together: And that is stayeth the sharpness of Humors in the Bloody Flux, and other Fluxes in the Body, or in Wounds: The Root thereof also performeth the same effect. It is used outwardly to cool any heat or Inflamation upon any Hurt or Wound, and easeth the pains of them: as also to heal Scaldings or Burnings: The Juyce thereof beaten with some green Sallet Oyl, and anointed: The Leaf also bruised and laid to any green Wound in the Hands or Legs, doth heal them quickly; and being bound to the Throat, much helpeth the Quinsie. It helpeth also Ruptures and Burstiness.
If you pleas to make the Juyce into a Syrup with Honey or Sugar, you may safely take a spoonful or two at a time (let my Author say what he will) for a Quinsie, and you shall find the Medicine more pleasant, and the Cure more speedy, than if you took a Dogs-turd which is the Learned Colledges vulgar Cure.
The Moon owns the Herb, and he that knows but her Exaltation, knows what I say is true.
Edgenote: Excoriation of Bowels, Phtisick, Womb, Bloody Flux, Wounds, Inflamation, Scalding, Burnings, Quinsie, Ruptures.

22.12.2024 J.N.