Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 ONIONS



Allium cepa


Planet:   Mars
Energie: extrem heiss und extrem trocken

Tollwütige Hunde Mad Dogs
Würmer Worms
Husten Cough
Trägheit Lethargy
Epidemische Erkrankungen Epidemical Diseases

Description: These are so well known that I need not spend time about writing a Description of them.
Place: -
Time: -
Use: Onions are Flatulent or Windy, yet they do somwhat provoke appetite, encreas thirst, eas the Belly and Bowels; provoke Womens Courses, help the biting of a mad Dog, and of other Venemous Creatures, to be used with Honey and Rue, and encreaseth Sperm, especially the Seed of them: They also kill the Worms in Children if they drink the Water fasting wherein they have been steeped all night. Being roasted under the Embers and eaten with Honey, or Sugar and Oyl they much conduce to help an inveterate Cough and expectorate the tough Flegm. The Juyce being snuffed up into the Nostrils, purgeth the Head and helpeth the Lethargy (yet the often eating of them is said to procure pains in the Head) It hath been held with divers Country people a good preservative against Infection to eat Onions fasting with Bread and Salt: as also to make a great Onion hollow, filling the place with good Triacle, and after to roast it well under the Embers, which after taking away of the outermost skin thereof, being beaten together, is a Soveraign Salve for either Plague-Sore, or any other putrid Ulcer. The Juyce of Onions is good for either scalding, or burning by fire, water, or Gunpouder, and used with Vinegar, taketh away all Blemishes, Spots, and Marks in the Skin, and dropped into the Ears, easeth the pains and nois of them. Applied also with Figs beaten together, helpeth to ripen and break Impostumes and other Sores.
Leeks are like them in quality as a Pomewater is like an Apple: They are a Remedy against a Surfeit of Mushroms, being baked under the Embers and taken and being boyled and applied warm helpeth the Piles; In other things they have the same property as the Onions, although not so effectual.
Mars owns them, and they have gotten this quality, to draw any corruption to them, for if you pill one and lay him upon a Dunghill, you shall find him rotten in half a day, by drawing putrifaction to it, then being bruised and applied to a Plague-Sore 'tis very probable 'twill do the like.
Edgenote: Mad Dogs, Worms, Cough, Lethargy, Epidemical Diseases.

22.12.2024 J.N.