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| | | ONE-BLADE |
Maianthemum bifolium
False lily of the valley, May lily
Planet: Sonne
Energie: leicht warm und leicht trocken
| Stichworte: |
Seuchen |
Pestilence |
Gift |
Poyson |
Epidemische Erkrankungen |
Epidemical Diseases |
Wunden |
Wounds |
Sehnenverletzungen |
Sinews cut |
| | | |
Description: |
This smal Plant never beareth more than one Leaf, but only when it riseth up with his Stalk, which thereon beareth another, and seldom more, which are of a blewish green colour, pointed, with many Ribs or Veins therein, like Plantane: At the top of the Stalk, grow many smal white Flowers, Star-fashion, smelling somwhat sweet; after which come smal reddish Berries when they are ripe. The Root is small of the bigness of a Rush, lying and creeping under the upper crust of the Earth, shooting forth in diverse places. |
Place: |
It groweth in moist, shadowy, and grassy places of Woods, in many places of this Land. |
Time: |
It Flowreth about May, and the Berries be ripe in June, and then quickly perisheth until the next yeer, it springeth from the same Root again. |
Use: |
Half a Dram, or a Dram at most in Pouder of the Roots hereof taken in Wine and Vinegar, of each equal parts, and the party laid presently to sweat thereupon, is held to be a Soveraign Remedy for those that are infected with the Plague, and have a Sore upon them, by expelling the poyson and infection, and defending the Heart and Spirits from danger. It is a singular good Wound Herb, and is therupon used with other the like effects in making Compound Balms for the curing of Wounds, be they fresh and green or old and Malignant, and especially if the Sinews be hurt. |
Edgenote: |
Pestilence, Poyson, Epidemical Diseases, Wounds, Sinews cut. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |