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| | | OATS |
Avena sativa
Planet: Merkur
Energie: leicht trocken und leicht kühl
| Stichworte: |
Stiche |
Stitch |
Blähungen |
wind |
Juckreiz |
Itch |
Lepra |
Leprosie |
Fisteln |
Fistulaes |
Abszesse |
Apostums |
Sommersprossen |
Freckles |
| | | |
Description: |
These are also so well known that they need no Description. |
Place: |
- |
Time: |
- |
Use: |
Oats fryed with Bay-Salt, and applied to the sides, takes away the pains of Stitches and Wind in the sides or Belly: A Pultis made of the Meal of Oats, and some Oyl of Bays put thereto, helpeth the Itch, and the Leprosie, as also the Fistulaes of the Fundament, and dissolveth hard Impostuhmes. The Meal of Oats boyled with Vinegar and applied, taketh away Freckles and Spots in the face, or other parts of the Body. |
Edgenote: |
Stitch, wind, Itch, Leprosie, Fistulaes, Apostums, Freckles. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |