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THE OAK | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
StieleicheQuercus roburOak TreePlanet: Jupiter
Stichworte: |
Description: | This is so well known (the timber therof being the Glory and Safety of this Nation by Sea) that it needeth no Description. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The Leavs and Bark of the Oak, and the Acorn Cups, do bind and dry very much: The inner Bark of the Tree, and the thin Skin that covereth the Acorn, are most used to stay the spitting of Blood, and the Bloody Flux: The Decoction of that Bark and the Pouder of the Cups, to stay Vomitings, spitting of blood, bleeding at Mouth or other Flux of Blood in man or woman, Lasks also, and the involuntary Flux of Natural Seed. The Acorns in Pouder taken in Wine, provoketh Urine, and resisteth the Poyson of Venemous Creatures. The Decoction of Acorns and the Bark made in Milk and taken resisteth the force of Poysonous Herbs and Medicines, as also the Virulency of Cantharides, when one by eating them, hath his Bladder exulcerated, and pisseth Blood. Hippocrates saith, he used the fumes of Oak Leavs to Women that were troubled with the strangling of the Mother; and Galen applied them being bruised to cure green Wounds. The Distilled water of the Oaken Buds before they break out into Leavs, is good to be used either inward, or outwardly, to asswage Inflamations and stop all manner of Fluxes in man or woman: The same is singular good in Pestilential and hot burning Feavers, for it resisteth the force of the infection, and allayeth the heat; it cooleth the heat of the Liver, breaketh the Stone in the Kidneys, and staieth womens Courses: The Decoction of the Leavs worketh the same effects. The water that is found in the hollow places of old Oaks, is very effectual against any foul or spreading Scab. The Distilled Water (or Decoction which is better) of the Leavs is one of the best Remedies that I know for the Whites in Women. Jupiter owns the Tree. |
Edgenote: | Dry, Bind, Spitting Blood, Bloody Flux Vomiting, Venerious Acts, Disury, Poyson, Venemous Beasts, Cantarides, Ulcers of the Bladder, Mother, Wounds, Inflamation, Flux, Pestilences, Epidemical Diseases, Liver, Stone, Terms stops, Scabs. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |