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NETTLES | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BrennesselUrtica dioicaNettle (Common)Planet: Mars
Stichworte: |
Description: | These are so well known that they need no Description at all, they may be found by the feeling in the darkest night. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The Roots or Leavs boyled or the Juyce of either of them, or both, made into an Electuary with Honey or Sugar, is a safe and sure Medicine to open the Pipes and passages of the Lungs, which is the caus of wheesing and shortness of breath, and helpeth to expectorate tough Flegm, as also to raise the impostumated Pleuresie, and spend it by spitting; The same helpeth the swelling of the Almonds of the Throat, the Mouth and Throat being gargled therewith: The Juyce is also effectual to settle the Pallate of the Mouth in its place, and to heal and temper the Inflamations and soreness of the Mouth and Throat. The Decoction of the Leavs in Wine being drunk is singular good to provoke Womens Courses, and settle the suffocation or strangling of the Mother, and all other Diseases thereof, as also applied outwardly with a little Mirrh. The same also, or the Seed provoketh Urine, and expelleth the Gravel and Stone in the Reins or Bladder often proved to be effectual in many that have taken it. The same killeth the Worms in Children, easeth pains in the sides, and dissolveth the windiness in the Spleen, as also in the Body, although others think it only powerful to provoke Venery. The Juyce of the Leavs taken two or three daies together, staieth bleeding at the Mouth: The Seed being drunk is a Remedy against the stinging of Venemous Creatures, the biting of Mad Dogs, The poysonful qualities of Hemlock, Henbane, Nightshade, Mandrake, or other such like Herbs that stupifie or dull the senses, as also the Lethargy, especially to use it outwardly to rub the Forehead and Temples in the Lethargy, and the places bitten or stung with Beasts, with a little Salt. The distilled water of the Herb is also effectual (although not so powerful) for the Diseases aforesaid, as for outward Wounds and Sores to wash them, and to clens the Skin from Morphew, Lepry, and other discolourings thereof: The Seed or Leaves bruised and put into the Nostrils, staieth the bleeding of them, and taketh away the Flesh growing in them called Polipus. The Juyce of the Leavs, or the Decoction of them, or of the Roots, is singular good to wash either old rotten and stinking sores, or Fistulaes and Gangrenes, and such as are fretting, eating, or corroding Scabs, Mainginess and Itch in any part of the Body, as also green Wounds by washing them therwith, or applying the green Herb bruised thereunto, yea although the Flesh were seperated from the Bones. The same applied to our wearied Members refresheth them, or to places that have been out of Joynt being first set again, strengthneth, drieth and comforteth them, as also those places troubled with Aches and Gouts, and the Defluxion of Humors upon the Joynts or Sinews, it easeth the pains, and drieth or dissolveth the Defluxions. An Oyntment made of the Juyce, Oyl, and a little Wax, is singular good to rub cold and benummed Members. An handful of the Leavs of green Nettles, and another of Wallwort, or Danewort, bruised and applied simply of themselves to the Gout, Sciatica, or Joynt aches in any part hath been found to be an admirable help thereunto. This also is an Herb Mars claims Dominion over, you know Mars is hot and dry, and you know as well that Winter is cold and moist; then you may know as well the reason why Nettle tops eaten in Spring consume the Flegmatic superfluities in the Body of man, that the coldness and moisture of Winter, hath left behind. |
Edgenote: | Lungs, Wheezing, Shortness of breath, Pleuresie, Almonds of the Ears, Ears, Throat, Mouth, Uvula, Terms provokes, Mother, Disury, Gravel, Worms, Spleen, Bleeding, Venemous Beasts, Mad Dogs, Hemlock, Henbane, Night-shade, Mandrakes, Lethargy, Morphew, Leprosie, Bleeding, Polipus, Ulcers, Fistulaes, Gangrenes, Scabs, Itch, Wounds, Weariness, Disjunctures, Gout, Sciatica, Joynts. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |