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HEDG-MUSTARD | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WildsalatSisymbrium officinaleMustard (Hedge)Planet: Mars
Stichworte: |
Description: | This groweth up usually but with one blackish green Stalk, tough, easie to bend but not break, branched into diverse parts, and somtimes with divers Stalks set full of Branches, whereon grow long, rough, or hard rugged Leavs, very much torn and cut on the edges into many parts, some bigger, and some lesser, of a dirty green colour: The Flowers are smal and yellow, that grow at the tops of the Branches, in long Spikes, flowring by degrees, so that continuing long in Flower the stalks will have smal round Cods at the bottom, growing upright and close to the Stalk, while the top Flowers yet shew themselvs; in which are contained smal yellow Seed, sharp and strong, as the Herb is also: The Root groweth down slender and woody, yet abiding, and springing again every yeer. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | This groweth frequently in this Land by the Waies and Hedg sides, and somtimes in the open Fields. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It flowreth most usually about July. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | It is singular good in all the Diseases of the Chest and Lungs, hoarceness of voice, and by the use of the Decoction therof for a little space, those have been recovered who had utterly lost their voice, and almost their Spirits also. The Juyce threof made into a Syrup, or licking Medicine with Honey or Sugar is no less effectual for the same purpose, and for all other Coughs, Weesings, and shortness of Breath. The same is also profitable for those that have the Jaundice, the Pluresie, pains in the Back and Loyns, and for torments in the Belly or the Chollick, being also used in Clysters. The Seed is held to be a special Remedy against Poyson and Venom: It is singular good for the Sciatica, the Gout, and all Joynt-aches, Sores and Cankers in the Mouth, Throat, or behind the Ears; and no less for the hardness and Swelling of the Testicles, or of Womens Breasts. Mars owns this Herb also. |
Edgenote: | Breast, Lungs, Hoarceness, Cough, Shortness of breath, Jaundice, Pleuresie, Back, Loyns, Belly, Chollick, Poyson, Sciatica, Gout, Joynts, Fistulaes, Ulcers, Cankers, Testicles, Womens Breasts. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |