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MOTHERWORT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
HerzgespannLeonurus cardiacaMotherwortPlanet: Venus / Löwe
Stichworte: |
Description: | This hath a hard, square, brownish, rough, strong Stalk, rising three or four foot high at the least, spreading into many Branches, whereon grow Leavs on each side with long Footstalks, two at every Joynt, which are somwhat broad and long as it were, rough, or crumpled, with many great Veins therein; of a sad green colour, and deeply dented about the edges, and almost devided: From the middle of the Branches up to the tops of them (which are very long and smal) grow the Flowers round about them at distances in sharp pointed rough hard Husks, of a more red or purple-colour than Balm or Horehound, but in the same manner and form as the Horehounds: after which come smal round blackish Seed in great plenty: The Root sendeth forth a number of long Strings and smal Fibres, taking strong hold in the Ground; of a dark yellowish or brownish colour, and abideth as the Horehound doth; the smell of this being not much different from it. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth only in Gardens with us in England. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Motherwort, is held to be of much use for the trembling of the Heart, and in faintings and swounings from whence it took the name Cardiaca. The Pouder thereof to the quantity of a spoonful drunk in Wine is a wonderful help to Women in their Sore Travails, as also for the suffocations or risings of the Mother; and from these effects it is likely it took the name of Motherwort with us. It also provoketh Urine and Womens Courses, clenseth the Chest of cold Flegm oppressing it, and killeth the Worms in the Belly: It is of good use to warm and dry up the cold Humors, to digest and dispers them that are settled in the Veins, Joynts, and Sinews of the Body, and to help Cramps, and Convulsions. Venus owns the Herb, and it is under Leo, there is no better Herb to drive Melancholly Vapors from the Heart, to strengthen it, and make a merry cheerful blith soul, than this Herb, it may be kept in a Syrup or Conserv, therfore the Latins called it Cardiaca: Besides, it makes Women joyful Mothers of Children, and settles their Wombs as they should be, therfore we call it Motherwort. |
Edgenote: | Swounings, Sore Travail, Mother, Urine, Womens Courses, Flegm, Cold Flegm, Cramps, Convulsions, Melancholly, Vapors. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |