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Beispiel: Zypressen-Schlafmoos

Beispiel: Hypnum cupressiforme

Moss (Ground)

Planet:   Saturn
Energie: mässig trocken und leicht kühl

Steine Stone
Entzüdungen Inflamations
Ausfluss Fluxes
Erbrechen Vomiting
Blutungen Bleeding
Menstruation Womens Courses
Wassersucht Dropsie
Kopfschmerz Headach
Sehnen Sinews

Description: I shal not trouble the Reader with any Description of these, sith my intent is to speak only of two kinds as the most principal, Viz. Ground-Moss, and Tree-Moss, both which are very well know.
Place: The Gound-Moss, growing in our moist Woods, and the bottoms of Hills, in boggy grounds, and in shadowy Ditches, and many other such like places.
The Tree-Moss groweth only on Trees.
Time: -
Use: The Ground-Moss, is held to be singular good to break the Stone, and to expel and drive it forth by Urin, being boyled in Wine and drunk: The Herb bruised and boyled in Water and applied easeth al Inflamations and pains coming of an hot caus; and is therfore used to eas the pains of the hot Gout.
The Tree-Mosses are cooling and binding, and partake of a digesting and mollifying quality withal, as Galen saith. But each Moss doth partake of the Nature of the Tree from whence it is taken; therefore that of the Oak is more Binding; and is of good effect to stay Fluxes in man or Woman, as also Vomitings or Bleedings, the Pouder thereof being taken in Wine: The Decoction thereof in Wine is very good for Women to be bathed with, or to sit in that are toubled with the overflowing of their Courses: The same being drunk stayeth the Stomach that is troubled with casting, or the Hiccough; and as Avicenna saith, it comforteth the Heart: The Pouder thereof taken in Drink for some time together, is thought available for the Dropsie. The Oyl of Roses that hath had fresh Moss steeped therin for a time, and after boyled and applied to the Temples and Forehead, doth Merveilously eas the Headach coming of a hot caus, as also the Distillations of hot Rhewm or Humors to the Eyes or other parts: The Antients much used it in their Oyntments and other Medicines against Lassitude, and to strengthen and comfort the Sinews. For which, if it was good then, I know no reason but it may be found so still.
Edgenote: Stone, Inflamations, Fluxes, Vomiting, Bleeding, Womens Courses, Dropsie, Headach, Sinews.

22.12.2024 J.N.