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MISSELTO | |||||||||||||||
MistelViscum albumMisseltoePlanet: Sonne
Stichworte: |
Description: | This riseth up from the Branch or Arm of the Tree whereon it groweth, with a woody Stem, parting it self into sundry Branches, and they again devided into many other smaller Twigs, interlacing themselves one within another, very much covered with a grayish green Bark, having two Leaves set at every Joynt, and at the end likewise, which are somwhat long and narrow, smal at the bottom but broader toward the end. At the Knots or Joynts of the Boughs and Branches, grow smal yellowish Flowers, which turn into smal round white transparant Berries three or four together, full of glutinous moisture, with a blackish Seed in every of them, which was never yet known to spring being put into the ground or any where els to grow. | ||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth very rarely on Oaks with us, but upon sundry other, as well Timber as Fruit-Trees, plentifully in Woods, Groves, and the like through all this Land. | ||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowreth in the Spring time, but the Berries be not ripe until October, and abide on the Branches all the Winter, unless the Black-Birds, and other Birds do devour them. | ||||||||||||||
Use: | Both the Leavs and Berries of Mistleto do heat and dry, and are of subtil parts: The Birdlime doth mollifie hard Knots, Tumors, and Impostumes, ripeneth and discusseth them; and draweth forth thick as well as thin Humors from the remote places of the Body, digesting and separating them: And being mixed with equal parts of Rozin and Wax, doth mollifie the hardness of the Spleen, and healeth old Ulcers and Sores: Being mixed with Sandarack, and Ortment, it helpeth to draw off foul Nails: and if quicklime and Wine Lees be added thereunto it worketh the stronger. The Mistleto it self of the Oak (as the best) made into Pouder and given in drink to those that have the Falling-sickness, doth assuredly heal them as Mathiolus saith, but it is fit to use it for forty daies together. Some have so highly esteemed of the Vertues hereof that they have called it Lignum Sanctae Crucus, Wood of the holy Cross, beleeving it to help the Falling-sickness, Apoplexie, and Palsie very speedily, not only to be inwardly taken, but to be hung at their Necks. Tragus saith, That the fresh Wood of any Mistleto bruised, and the Joyce drawn forth and dropped into the Ears that have Imposthumes in them, doth help and eas them within a few daies. That it is under the Dominion of the Sun, I do not question, and can also take for granted that that which grows upon Oaks participates somthing of the Nature of Jupiter, becaus an Oak is one of his Trees; as also that which grows upon Pear-trees and Apple-trees, participates somthing of the Nature, becaus he rules the Trees, and it draws sap from the Trees, it grows upon having no Root of its own, but why that should have most vertues that grows upon Oaks I know not, unless becaus 'tis rarest, and hardest to come by, and our Colledges Opinion is in this contrary to the Scripture which saith, Gods tender Mercies are over all his Works, and so 'tis, Let the Colledg of Physitians walk as contrary to him as they pleas, and that's as contrary as the East is to the West. Clusius affirms that which grows upon Pear-trees to be as prevalent, and give order that is should not touch the ground after it is gathered, and also saith, That being hung about the Neck, it remedies Witchcraft. |
Edgenote: | Impostums, Spleen, Ulcers, Falling-sickness, Apoplexy, Palsey. | ||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |