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FRENCH, and DOGS MERCURY | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ausdauerndes Bingelkraut, Wald-BingelkrautMercurialis perennisDog's MercuryPlanet: Venus
Einjähriges BingelkrautMercurialis annua (Mercurialis gallium)Annual Mercury, Garden Mercury, French MercuryPlanet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | This riseth up with a square green stalk full of Joynts two foot high or therabouts, with two Leaves at every Joynt and branches likewise from both sides of the stalk, set with fresh green Leaves somwhat broad and long, about the bigness of the Leaves of Bassell finely dented about the edges: towards the topps of the stalks and branches come forth at every Joynt in the Male Mercury two small round green heads, standing together upon a short footstalk which growing ripe are the seeds; not having any Flower: In the female; The stalk is longer, spike fashion, set round about with smal green husks, which are the Flowers made like smal branches of Grapes which give no seed, but abide long upon the stalks without shedding: The Root is composed of many smal Fibres, which perisheth every year at the first approach of winter, and riseth again of its own sowing, and where it once is suffered to sow it self, the ground will never want it aftewards even both sorts of it. Having described unto you that which is called French Mercury, I come now to shew you in a Description this kind also. This is likewise of two kinds, Male and Female, having many stalks slender & lower than Mercury and without any branches at all upon them: The Male is set with two Leavs at every Joynt somwhat greater than the Female, but more pointed and full of Veins, and somwhat harder in handling, of a darker green colour, and less dented or snip'd about the edges: At the Joynts with the Leavs come forth longer Stalks then the former, with two hairy round Seeds upon them twice as big as those of the former Mercury: The tast hereof is Herby, and the smel somwhat strong and Virulent: The Female hath much harder Leavs standing upon longer Footstalks, and the stalks are also longer: From the Joynts come forth Spikes of Flowers, like the French Female Mercury, The Roots of them both are many, and full of smal Fibres, which run under ground, and mat themselves very much, not perishing as the former Mercuries do, but abiding the Winter, and shoot forth new Branches every yeer (for the old die down to the ground.) |
Place: | The Male and Female French Mercury are found wild in divers places of this Land; as by a Village called Brookland in Rumney Marsh in Kent. The Dogs Mercury in sundry places of Kent also, and elswhere; but the Female more seldom than the Male. |
Time: | They flourish in the Summer months, and therein give their Seed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The Decoction of the Leavs of Mercury, or the Juyce thereof in Broth, or Drunk with a little Sugar put to it, purgeth Chollerick and waterish Humors. Hippocrates commendeth it wonderfully for Womens Diseases; and applied it to the secret parts to eas the pains of the Mother; and used the Decoction of it both to procure Womens Courses, and to expel the Afterbirth: And give the Decoction thereof with Mirrh or Pepper, or used to apply the Leavs outwardly against the Strangury, and Diseases of the Reins and Bladder. He used it also for sore and watering Eyes, and for the Deafness and pain in the Ears, by dropping the Juyce therof into them, and bathing them afterwards in white Wine. The Decoction therof made with Water and a Cock Chicken, is a most safe Medicine against the hot fits of Agues: It also clenseth the Breast and Lungs of Flegm, but a little offendeth the Stomach: The Juyce or distilled Water snuffed up into the Nostrils purgeth the Head and Eyes of Catarrhes and Rhewms. Some use to drink two or three ounces of the distilled water with a little Sugar put to it, in the morning fasting, to open and purge the Body of gross viscous and Melancholly Humors. It is wonderful (if it be not Fabulous) that Dioscorides and Theophrastus do relate of it: Viz. That if Women use these Herbs either Inwardly or outwardly for three daies together after Conception, and their Courses be past, they shal bring forth Male or Female Children, according to that kind of Herb they use. Mathiolus saith, That the Seed of both the Male and Female Mercury boyled with Wormwood and drunk, cureth the yellow Jaundice in a speedy manner: The Leavs or the Juyce rubbed upon Warts, taketh them away: The Juyce mingled with some Vinegar, helpeth all running Scabs, Tetters, Ringworms and the Itch. Galen saith that being applied in manner of a Pultis, to any Swelling or Inflamation, it digesteth the Swelling and allayeth the Inflamation; and is therfore given in Clysters to evacuate the Belly from offensive Humors. The Dogs Mercury, although it be less used yet may serve in the same manner to the same purpose to purge waterish and Melanchollick Humors. Mercury they say owns this Herb, but I rather think 'tis Venus, and am partly confident of it too, for I never read that Mercury ever minded Womens businesses so much, I beleev he minds his study more. |
Edgenote: | Purgeth Chollerick Humors, Womens sickness, Mother, Womens Courses, Strangury, sore Eyes, Agues, Flegm, Rhewms and Catarrhes, Melancholly Humors. Yellow Jaundice, Warts, Scabs, Tetters, & ringworms, Swellings, Inflamations, Waterish & Melancholly Humors. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |