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Melilotus officinalis
Planet: Merkur
Energie: leicht warm und leicht trocken
| Stichworte: |
Harte Tumore und Entzüdungen der Augen |
Hard Tumors & Inflamations in the Eyes |
oder anderswo |
or elswhere |
Geschwüre am Kopf |
Ulcers in the Head |
Magenschmerzen |
Stomach pained |
Kopfschmerz |
Headach |
Blähungen |
Wind |
Milz |
Spleen |
Düsterkeit des Sehvermögens |
Dimness of sight |
Stumpfe Sinne |
Stupidity of Senses |
Stärkt das Gedächtnis |
Strengthen Memory |
Hirnschlag |
Apoplexy |
| | | |
Description: |
This hath many green Stalks two or three foot high, rising from a tough long white Root, which dieth not every yeer; set round about at the Joynts with smal and somwhat long wel smelling Leavs set three together, unevenly dented about the edges: The Flowers are yellow, and well smelling also, made like other Trefoyls, but smal, standing in long Spikes, one above another, for an hand breath long, or better, which afterwards turn into long crooked Cods, wherein is contained flat Seed, somwhat Brown. |
Place: |
It groweth plentifully in many places of this Land, as in the edg of Suffolk and in Essex, as also in Huntingtonshire, and in other places, but most usually in Corn Fields, in corners of Meadows. |
Time: |
It Flowreth in June and July and is ripe quickly after. |
Use: |
Melilot boyled in Wine and applied mollifieth all hard Tumors and Inflamations that happen in the Eyes or other parts of the Body, as the Fundament: or privy parts of Man or Woman; and somtimes the Yolk of a roasted Egg, or fine Flower or Poppy Seed, or Endive is added unto it: It helpeth the spreading Ulcers in the Head, it being washed with a Ly made thereof; It helpeth the pains of the Stomach being applied fresh, or boyled with any of the aforenamed things. It helpeth also the pains of the Ears being dropped into them; and steeped in Vinegar and Rose Water it mitigateth the Headach. The Flowers of Melilot and Chamomel are much used to be put together in Clisters to expel Wind & to eas pains; also into Pultices for the same purpose, and to asswage Swellings or Tumors in the Spleen or other parts; & helpeth Inflamations in any part of the Body. The Juyce dropped into the Eyes is a singular good Medicine to take away any Film or Skin that cloudeth or dimmeth the Eyesight. The Head often washed with the distilled Water of the Herb and Flowers, or a Ly made therwith, is effectual for those that have suddenly lost their senses; as also to strengthen the Memory, to comfort the Head and Brains, and to preserve them from pains and the Apoplexie. |
Edgenote: |
Hard Tumors & Inflamations in the Eyes, or elswhere, Ulcers in the Head, Stomach pained, Headach, Wind, Spleen, Dimness of sight, Stupidity of Senses, Strengthen Memory, Apoplexy. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |