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Mespilus germanica


Planet:   Saturn
Energie: sehr trocken und sehr kalt

Ausfluss Fluxes
Stoppt Sehnsucht der Frauen Stayeth Womens Longings
Aufhalten der Fehlgeburt Hinders Miscarriage
Gurgeln Gargle
Menstruation Womens Courses
Hämorrhoiden Piles
Verabscheut Fleisch Loathing of Meat
oder Erbrechen or Casting
Blutungen Bleeding
Frische Wunden Fresh Wounds
Nierensteine Stone in the Kidneys
Fehlgeburt Miscarriage

Description: This Tree groweth neer the bigness of the Quince Tree, spreading Branches reasonable large, with longer and narrower Leaves than either the Apple or Quince, and not dented about the edges: At the end of the Sprigs stand the Flowers made of Five white, great broad pointed Leavs, nicked in the middle, with some white threds also: after which cometh the Fruit, of a brownish green colour, being ripe, bearing a Crown as it were on the top, which were the five green leaves; and being rubbed off or fallen away, the head of the Fruit is seen to be somwhat hollow. The Fruit is very harsh before it be mellowed, and hath usually five hard Kernels within it.
There is another kind hereof differing nothing from the former, but that it hath some Thorns on it in several places, which the other hath not, and the Fruit is smal and not so pleasant.
Place: They grow in this Land;
Time: and Flower in May for the most part, and bear ripe Fruit in September, and October.
Use: They are very powerful to stay any Fluxes of Blood or Humors in Man or Woman: the Leavs have also the like quality. The Fruit eaten by Women with Child, stayeth their longings after unusual meats, and is very effectual for them that are apt to miscarrry, and be delivered before their time, to help that malady, and make them joyful Mothers. The Decoction of them is good to gargle and wash the Mouth, Throat and Teeth, when there is any defluxion of Blood to stay it, or of Humors, which causeth Pains and Swellings: It is a good bath for Women to sit over that have their Courses flow too abundantly; or for the Piles when they bleed too much. If a Pultis or Plaister be made with dried Medlars beaten and mixed with the Juyce of red Roses, whereunto a few Cloves and Nutmeg may be added, and a little red Correl also, and applied to the Stomach that is given to casting, or loathing of meat, it effectually helpeth. The dried Leavs in Pouder, strewed on fresh, bleeding Wounds, restraineth the Blood, and healeth up the Wound quickly: The Medlar stones made into Pouder and drunk in Wine, wherein some Parsley Roots have bien infused all night, or a little boyled, do break the Stone in the Kidneys, helping to expel it.
The Fruit is old Saturns, and sure a better Medicine he hardly hath to strengthen the retentive faculty; therfore it staies Womens Longings, the good old Man cannot endure Womens minds should run a gadding: Also a Plaister made of the Fruit dried before they be rotten, and other convenient things, and applied to the Reins of the Back, stops Miscarriage in Women with Child.
Edgenote: Fluxes, Stayeth Womens Longings, Hinders Miscarriage, Gargle, Womens Courses, Piles, Loathing of Meat, or Casting, Bleeding, Fresh Wounds, Stone in the Kidneys, Miscarriage.

22.12.2024 J.N.