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Süsse Schafgarbe, Leberbalsam, Muskatgarbe
Achillea ageratum
Planet: Jupiter
Energie: -
| Stichworte: |
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Description: |
Common Maudlin have somwhat long and narrow Leaves, snip'd about the edges: the stalks are two foot high, bearing at the topps many yellow flowers Set round together and all of an equal height, in umbels tufts like unto Tansy after which flowereth small whitish Seed almost as big as Wormseed. The whol Herb is sweet and bitter. |
Place: |
It groweth in Gardens, |
Time: |
and Flowreth in June and July. |
Use: |
The Vertues hereof being the same with Costmary, or Alecost, I shal not trouble you to make any repetition thereof, lest my Book grow too big: but rather refer you unto Costmary for satisfaction. |
Edgenote: |
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| 22.12.2024 J.N. |