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MARIGOLDS | |||||||||||||||||||
RingelbulmenCalendula officinalisMarigold (Corn.)Planet: Sonne / Löwe
Stichworte: |
Description: | These being so Plentifull in every Garden are so well known that they need no Description. | ||||||||||||||||||
Place: | in every Garden | ||||||||||||||||||
Time: | They Flower al the Summer long, and somtimes in the Winter if it be mild. | ||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The Flowers either green or dryed are used much in Possets, broths, and drinkes, as a comforter of the Heart and spirits, and to expell any malignant or pestilential quality which might annoy them. It is an Herb of the Sun and under Leo they strengthen the heart exceedingly, and are very expulsive, and little less Effectual in the smal pox and measles than Saffron. The Juyce of Marigold Leaves mixed with Vinegar, and any hot swelling bathed with it, instantly giveth ease and asswageth it. A plaister made with the dry Flowers in pouder, hogs greas, Turpentine and Rozin, and applyed to the breast strengthens and succours the heart infinitly in feavers whether pestilential or not pestilential. |
Edgenote: | Heart, Vital Spirits, Pestilence, Smal Pox, Meazles, Hot swellings, Feavers, Pestilence. | ||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |