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Haarmützenmoos, Güldener WiderthonPolytrichum juniperinum (Polytrichum aureum)Maidenhair (Golden)Planet: Merkur
Stichworte: |
Description: | To the two former give me leave to ad this, and I shall do no more but only describe it unto you, and for the Vertues refer you unto the former, sith whatsoever is said of them, may be also said of this: It hath many small brownish red hayres to make up the form of Leavs growing about the ground from the Root, and in the middle of them in Summer, rise smal Stalks of the same colour, set with very fine yellowish green hairs on them, and bearing a smal gold yellow head, lesser than a Wheat Corn standing in a great Husk. The Root is very smal and threddy. |
Place: | It groweth on Bogs and Moorish places, and also on dry shadow places at Hampstead Heath and elswhere. | ||||
Time: | - | ||||
Use: | - | ||||
Edgenote: | - | ||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |