Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 WALL-RUE; or ORDINARY WHITE MAIDENHAIR



Asplenium ruta muraria

Maidenhair (White)

Planet:   Merkur
Energie: leicht warm und leicht trocken

Husten Cough
Kurzatmigkeit Shortness of breath
the Gelbsucht the yellow Jaundice
Milz Spleen
Schmerzhafter Harndrang Disury
Steine Stone
Provoziert die Menstruation Terms provokes
Blutungen Bleeding
Ausfluss Fluxes
Lungen Lungs
Schwellungen Swellings
Geschwüre Ulcers
Schorf Scurff
Wunde Stellen Sores
Kahlheit Baldness

Description: This hath very fine pale green Stalks, almost as fine as hairs, set confusedly with divers pale green Leavs on very short Footstalks, somwhat neer unto the colour of Garden Rue, and not much differing in form, but more diversly cut in on the edges, and thicker, smooth on the upper part and spotted finely underneath.
Place: It groweth in many places of this Land, as at Dartford, and the Bridg at Ashford in Kent, at Beconsfield in Buckinghamshire, at Wolley in Huntingtonshire, on Frammingham Castle in Suffolk, on the Church wals at Mayfield in Sussex, in Summerset shire and divers other places of this Land, and is green in Winter as well as in Summer.
Time: -
Use: The Vertues of both these are so neer alike; that although I have described them, and their places of growing, severally; yet I shall in writing the Vertues of them joyn them both together: as followeth.
The Decoction of the Herb Maidenhair being drunk, helpeth those that are troubled with the Cough, shortness of breath, the yellow Jaundice, diseases of the spleen, stopping of Urin, and helpeth exceedingly to break the Stone in the Kidneys: (in all which Diseases the Wall Rue is also very effectual) It provoketh Womens Courses, and staieth both Bleedings and Fluxes of the Stomach and Belly, especially when the Herb is dry, for being green, it loosneth the Belly, and avoideth Choller and Flegm from the Stomach and Liver, it clenseth the Lungs, and by rectifying the Blood causeth a good colour to the whol Body: The Herb boyled in Oyl of Chamomel, dissolveth Knots, allayeth Swellings, and drieth up moist Ulcers. The Ly made thereof is singular good to clens the head from Scurf, and from dry and running Sores; stayeth the falling of shedding of the Hair, and causeth it to grow thick, fair, and wel coloured; for which purpose some boyl it in Wine putting some Smallage Seed thereto, and afterwards some Oyl. The Wall Rue is as effectual as Maidenhair in all Diseases of the Head, and falling or the recovering of Hair again; and generally for all the aforementioned Diseases: and besides, The Pouder of it taken in drink for fourty daies together, helpeth the burstings in Children.
Edgenote: Cough, Shortness of breath, the yellow Jaundice, Spleen, Disury, Stone, Terms provokes, Bleeding, Fluxes, Lungs, Swellings, Ulcers, Scurff, Sores, Baldness.

22.12.2024 J.N.