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Venushaar, Frauenfarn, Frauenhaar
Adiantum capillus-veneris
Planet: Merkur
Energie: -
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Description: |
Our common Maindenhair doth from a number of hard black Fibres send forth a great many blackish shining brittle Stalks, hardly a span long; many not half so long, on each side set very thick with smal round dark green leavs, and spotted on the back of them like other Ferns. |
Place: |
It groweth much upon old Stone Wals in the West parts, and Wales, in Kent and divers other places of this Land; It joyeth likewise to grow by Springs, Wels, and rockie moist and shadowy places; and is alwaies green. |
Time: |
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Use: |
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Edgenote: |
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| 22.12.2024 J.N. |