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| | | MADDER |
Färber-Krapp, Wilder Krapp, Färberröte
Rubia tinctorum
Planet: Mars
Energie: leicht trocken und leicht kühl und leicht feucht
| Stichworte: |
Gelbsucht |
Yellow Jaundice |
Stauungen der Leber und Galle |
Obstructions of the Liver and Gall |
Milz |
Spleen |
Melancholie |
Melancholly |
Lähmungen |
Palsey |
Ischias |
Sciatica |
Blutergüsse innerlich und äusserlich |
Bruises inward and outward |
Provoziert die Menstruation |
Terms provokes |
Sommersprossen |
Freckles |
Ausbruch durch Lepra oder Skorbut |
Morphew |
Schorf |
Scurf |
| | | |
Description: |
The Garden Madder shooteth forth many very long, weak four square reddish Stalks trailing on the Ground a great way, very rough or hairy and full of Joynts; At every of those Joynts come forth divers long, and somwhat narrow Leavs, standing like a Star about the Stalks, rough also and hairy, toward the tops whereof come forth many smal pale yellow Flowers: after which come smal round Heads, green at first, and reddish afterwards, but black when they are ripe, wherin is contained the Seed. The Root is not very great, but exceeding long, running down half a mans length into the ground, red and very clear while it is fresh, spreading divers waies. |
Place: |
It is only manured in Gardens or larger Fields for the profit that is made thereof. |
Time: |
It Flowreth towards the end of Summer, and the Seed is ripe quickly after. |
Use: |
It hath an opening quality, and afterwards to bind and strengthen. It is an assured Remedy for the yellow Jaundice by opening the Obstructions of the Liver and Gall, and clensing those parts: It openeth also the Obstructions of the Spleen, and diminisheth the Melanchollick humor. It is available for the Palsey and Sciatica, and effectual for Bruises inward or outward, and is therfore much used in Vulnerary Drinks. The Root for all those aforesaid purposes, is to be boyled in Wine or Water, as the caus requireth, and some Honey or Sugar put therunto afterwards. The Seed herof taken with Vinegar and Honey, helpeth the Swellings and Hardness of the Spleen. The Decoction of the Leavs and Branches is a good Fomentation for Women to sit over that have not their Courses. The Leavs and Roots beaten and applied to any part that is discoloured with Freckles, Morphew, the white Scurf, or any such deformity of the Skin, clenseth them throughly, and taketh them away. |
Edgenote: |
Yellow Jaundice, Obstructions of the Liver and Gall, Spleen, Melancholly, Palsey, Sciatica, Bruises inward and outward, Terms provokes, Freckles, Morphew, Scurf. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |