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Pulmonaria officinalis


Planet:   Jupiter
Energie: leicht trocken und leicht kühl

Lungen Lungues
Hustens Coughs
Keuchen Wheesings
Kurzatmigkeit Shortness of breath
Geschwüre in the Geschlechtsteile und anderswo Ulcers in the Privities and elswhere

Description: This is a kind of Moss, that groweth on sundry sorts of Trees, especially Oaks, and Beeches, with broad grayish tough Leavs; diversly folded, crumpled, and gashed in on the edges, and somtimes spotted also, with many smal spots on the upper side: It was never seen to bear any Stalk or Flower at any time.
Place: -
Time: time
Use: This is of great use with many Physitians to help the Diseases of the Lungs, and for Coughs, Wheesings, and shortness of breath, which it cureth both in Man and Beast: It is very profitably put into Lotions that are taken to stay the moist Humors that flow to Ulcers, and hinder their healing, as also to wash all other Ulcers in the privy parts of Man or Woman.
It is an excellent Remedy boyled in Beer for broken-winded Horses.
Jupiter seems to own the Herb.
Edgenote: Lungues, Coughs, Wheesings, Shortness of breath, Ulcers in the Privities and elswhere.

22.12.2024 J.N.