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LOVAGE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LiebstöckelLevisticum officinaleLovagePlanet: Sonne / Stier
Stichworte: |
Description: | This hath many long and great Stalks, of large winged Leavs devided into many parts like Smallage, but much larger and greater, every Leaf being cut about the edges broadest forwards, and smallest at the Stalk, of a sad green colour, smooth and shining, from among which rise up sundry strong hollow green Stalks, five or six foot, yea somtimes seven or eight foot high, full of Joynts, but lesser Leavs set at them than grow below, and with them toward the tops come forth long Branches, bearing at their tops large Umbels, of yellow Flowers, and after them flat brownish Seed: The Root groweth thick, great and deep, spreading much and enduring long, of a brownish colour on the outside, and whitish within: The whol Plant, and every part of it smelleth strong, and Aromatically, and is of an hot sharp biting tast. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It is usually planted in Gardens, where if it be suffered it groweth huge and great. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowreth in the end of July, and seedeth in August. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | It openeth, cutteth and digesteth Humors, and mightily provoketh Womens Courses and Urine. Half a dram at a time of the dried Root in Pouder taken in Wine, doth wonderfully warm a cold Stomach, helping digestion, and consuming all raw & superfluous moisture therein; easeth al inward gripings and pains, dissolveth wind, and resisteth Poyson and infection: It is a known and much practiced Remedy to drink the Decoction of the Herb for any sort of Ague, and to help the pains and Torments of the Body and Bowels coming of cold. The Seed is effectual to al the purposes aforesaid (except the last) and worketh more powerfully. The distilled water of the Herb helpeth the Quinsie in the Throat, if the Mouth and Throat be gargled and washed therewith, and helpeth the Pluresie, being drunk three or four times. Being dropped into the Eyes it taketh away the redness or dimness of them, it likewise taketh away Spots or Freckles in the Face. The Leavs bruised and fried with a little Hogs Lard & laid hot to any Botch or Boyl, wil quickly break it. It is an Herb of the Sun under the Sign Taurus, if Saturn offend the Throat (as he alwaies doth if he be occasioner of the Malady and in Taurus in the Genesis) this is your cure. |
Edgenote: | Humors, Terms provokes, Disury, Cold Stomach, Indigestion, Wind, Poyson, Epidemical Diseases, Agues, Belly-ach, Quinsie, Pleuresie, Spots, Freckles, Boyls. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |