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Lysimachia vulgaris


Planet:   Mond
Energie: leicht trocken und leicht kühl

Blutungen Bleeding
Ausfluss Flux
Blutiger Ausfluss Bloody Flux
Stoppt die Menstruation Terms stops
Wunden Wounds
Entzündungen im Mund Sore Mouth
Geschlechtsteile Privities
Stechmücken Gnats

Description: The Common yellow Loos-strife groweth to be four or five foot high or more, with great round stalks a little crested, diversly branched from the middle of them to the tops, into great & long Branches, on al wch at the Joynts ther grow long and narrow Leavs, but broader below, and usually two at a Joynt, yet somtimes three or four somwhat like Willow Leavs, smooth on the edges, and of a faint green colour from the upper Joynts of the branches, and at the tops of them also stand many yellow Flowers of five Leaves a piece, with diverse yellow threeds in the middle, which turn into small round heads, containing small cornered Seeds: The Roote creepeth under ground, almost like Couchgrass, but greater, and shooteth up every Spring, brownish heads, which afterwards grow up into stalks: It hath no scent nor tast but only astringent.
Place: It groweth in many places of this Land in moyst Meadowes and by water sides.
Time: It Flowreth from June to August.
Use: This Hearb is good to stay all manner of Bleeding at Mouth or Nose or Wounds, and all Fluxes of the Belly, and the bloody Flux, given either to drinke, or taken by Clystor; it stayeth also the abundance of Womens Courses:
It is a singular good wound Hearb for green wounds, to stay the bleeding, and quickly to close together the lips of the Wound, if the herb be bruised and the Juyce only applyed: It is often used in Gargles for sore mouthes, as also for the secret parts: the smoke herof being burned driveth away Flyes and Gnats which use in the night-time to molest people inhabiting neere Marshes and the Fenney Countryes.
Edgenote: Bleeding, Flux, Bloody Flux, Terms stops, Wounds, Sore Mouth, Privities, Gnats.

22.12.2024 J.N.