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Hepatica nobilis

Liverwort (Common)

Planet:   Jupiter / Krebs
Energie: leicht trocken und leicht kühl

Leber Liver
Entzüdung Inflamation
Gelbsucht yellow Jaundice
Milz Spleen
Tripper (Gonorrhoe) Running of the Reins
Weissfluss Whites
Pusteln Tetters
Haarflechte (Ringelflechte) Ringworms
Übersättigung Surfets

Description: The Common Liverwort, groweth close and spreadeth much upon the ground in moyst and shadowy places, with many sad green leaves, or rather (as it were) sticking flat one to another, very unevenly cut in on the edges, and crumpled, from among which arise smal slender stalks an Inch or two high at most, bearing smal Starlike Flowers at the tops: The Roots are very fine and smal.
Place: moyst and shadowy places
Time: -
Use: It is a singular good Herb for all the diseases of the Liver, both to cool and clense it, and helpeth the Inflamations in any part, and the yellow Jaundice likewise: Being bruised and boyled in small Beer and drunke, it cooleth the heat of the Liver and Kidneys, and helpeth the runing of the Reins in man, & the Whites in Women: It is a singular remedy to stay the spreading of Tetters, Ringworms, and other fretting and running Sores & Scabs, and is an excellent remedy for such whose Livers are corrupted by surfets wch causeth their bodies to break out, for it fortifies the Liver exceedingly and make it impregnable.
It being under the command of Jupiter, and under the sign Cancer.
Edgenote: Liver, Inflamation, yellow Jaundice, Spleen, Running of the Reins, Whites, Tetters, Ringworms, Surfets.

22.12.2024 J.N.