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| | | LIQUORIS |
Süssholz, Lakritze
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Planet: Merkur
Energie: neutral warm
| Stichworte: |
Husten |
Cough |
Heiserkeit |
Hoarsness |
Lungentuberkulose |
Phtisick |
Tuberkulose |
Consumption |
Nieren - Lenden |
Reins |
Häufiger Harndrang |
Strangury |
Hitze im Urin |
Heat of Urine |
Augen |
Eyes |
Blase |
Bladder |
| | | |
Description: |
Our English Liquoris riseth up with divers woody Stalks, whereon are set at several distances, many narrow long green Leavs, set together on both sides of the Stalk, and an od one at the the end, very wel resembling a yong Ash-tree sprung up from the Seed: This by many yeers continuance in a place without removing, and not else, will bring forth Flowers, many standing together Spike fashion one above another upon the Stalks, of the form of Pease Blossoms, but of a very pale blue colour, which turn into long somwhat flat and smooth Rods, wherein is contained smal, round hard Seed: The Root runneth down exceeding deep into the ground, with divers other smaller Roots and Fibres growing with them, and shoot out Suckers from the main Roots al about, wherby it is much encreased, of a brownish colour on the outside, and yellow within. |
Place: |
It is planted in Fields and Gardens in divers places of this Land, and thereof good profit is made.
Time: |
- |
Use: |
Liquoris is boyled in fair Water with some Maindenhair and Figs, maketh a good Drink for those that have a dry Cough, or Hoarceness, Wheesing, shortness of breath; and for al the Griefs of the Breast and Lungs, Phytisick or Consumption caused by the Distillation of Salt humors on them. It is also good in all pains of the Reins, the Strangury, and heat of Urine: The fine Pouder of Liquoris blown through a Quil into the Eyes that have a Pin and Web (as they cal it) or Rhewmatick Distillations into them, doth clens and help them: The Juyce of Liquoris is as effectual in al the Diseases of the Breast & Lungs, the Reins and Bladder, as the Decoction. The Juyce dissolved in Rose Water with some Gum-Tragacanth, is a fine licking Medicine for Hoarceness, Wheesings, &c. |
Edgenote: |
Cough, Hoarsness, Phtisick, Consumption, Reins, Strangury, Heat of Urine, Eyes, Bladder. |
| 22.12.2024 J.N. |