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Lavandula angustifolia


Planet:   Merkur
Energie: sehr heiss und sehr trocken

Kopf Head
Gehirn Brains
Hirnschlag Apoplexie
Epilepsie Falling-sickness
Trägheit Lethargy
Krämpfe Cramps
Zuckungen Convulsions
Bewegungslose und schüttelnde Lähmungen Palsey both dead and shaking
Magen Stomach
Leber Liver
Milz Spleen
Provoziert die Menstruation Terms provokes
Kolik Chollick
Schwindel Vertigo
Stimmverlust loss of voyce
Zittern Trembling
Ermattung Fainting

Description: This is so wel known, being an Inhabitant in almost every Garden, that it needeth no Description.
Place: -
Time: It flowreth about the end of June and beginning of July.
Use: Lavender is of special good use, for all the Griefs and pains of the Head and Brains that proceed of a cold caus, as the Apoplexy, Falling-sickness, the drowsie or sluggish Malady, Cramps, Convulsions, Palseys, and often Faintings. It strengtheneth the Stomach, and freeth the Liver and Spleen from Obstructions, provoketh Womens Courses, and expelleth the dead Child and Afterbirth. The Flowers of Lavender steeped in Wine helpeth them to make water that are stopped, or are troubled with the Wind or Chollick, if the place be bathed therewith. A Decoction made with the Flowers of Lavender, Horehound, Fennel, and Asparagus Roots, and a little Cinnamon is very profitably used to help the Falling-sickness, and the giddiness or turning of the Brain. To gargle the Mouth with the Decoction thereof is good against the Toothach. Two spoonfuls of the distilled Water of the Flowers taken, helpeth them that have lost their voice; as also the tremblings and passions of the Heart, and faintings and swounings, not only being drunk, but applied to the Temples, or Nostrils to be smelt unto but it is not safe to use it where the Body repleat with Blood and Humors, becaus of the hot and subtil spirits wherewith it is possessed. The Chimical Oyl drawn from Lavender, usually called Oyl of Spike, is of so fierce and piercing Spirits that it is cautiously to be used: some few drops being sufficient to be given with other things, either for inward or outward Griefs.
Mercury owns the Herb, and it carries his effects very potently.
Lavender Cotten hath the same Vertues with Southernwood, which shal be shewed you when I come to speak of it.
Edgenote: Head, Brains, Apoplexie, Falling-sickness, Lethargy, Cramps, Convulsions, Palsey both dead and shaking, Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Terms provokes, Chollick, Vertigo, loss of voyce, Trembling, Fainting.

22.12.2024 J.N.