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Alchemilla vulgaris

Ladies Mantle

Planet:   Venus
Energie: mässig warm und mässig trocken

Entzüdungen Inflamations
Blutungen Bleeding
Erbrechen Vomiting
Ausfluss Fluxes
Blutergüsse Bruises
Zerrungen Ruptures
Erschlaffende Brüste Flagging Breasts
Unfruchtbarkeit Barrenness
Mutterschaft Women with child

Description: This hath many leavs rising from the Root, standing upon long hairy footstalkes, being almost round, but a little cut in on the edges, into eight or ten parts more or less, making it seem like a Star, with so many corners and points, and dented round about, of a light green colour somwhat hard in handling, and as if it were folded, or plaited at first, and them crumpled in divers places, and a little hairy as the Stalk is also, which riseth up among them to the height of two or three foot, with such like Leavs thereon but smaller, and being weak is not able to stand upright, but bendeth down to the Ground, devided at the top into two or three smal Branches, with smal yellowish green Heads, and Flowers of a whitish colour, breaking out of them; which being past, there cometh smal yellow Seed like Poppy Seed: The Root is somwhat long and black with many strings or fibres thereat.
Place: It groweth naturally in many Pastures, and Wood sides, in Harfordshire, Wiltshire, and Kent, and other places of this Land.
Time: It Flowreth in May and June, and abideth after Seed time green al the Winter.
Use: Ladies Mantle is very proper for those Wounds that have Inflamations, and is very effectual to stay Bleedings, Vomitings, Fluxes of al sorts in man or woman, and Bruises by Fals or otherwise, and helpeth Ruptures, and such Women or Maids as have over great Flagging Breasts, causing them to grow less and hard, being both drunk, and outwardly applied: The distilled water drunk for twenty daies together helpeth Conception, and to retain the Birth, if the Woman do somtimes also sit in a Bath made of the Decoction of the Herb. It is one of the most singular Wound Herbs that is, and therfore highly prized and praised by the Germans, who use in al Wounds inward and outward, to drink the Decoction thereof and wash the Wounds therewith, or dip Tents therein and put them into the Wounds, which wonderfully drieth up al humidity of the Sores, and abateth Inflamations therein. It quickly healeth al green Wounds, not suffering any corruption to remain behind, and cureth old Sores though Fistulous and hollow.
Venus claims the Herb as her own.
Edgenote: Inflamations, Bleeding, Vomiting, Fluxes, Bruises, Ruptures, Flagging Breasts, Barrenness, Women with child.

22.12.2024 J.N.