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Polygonum aviculare

Knot Grass

Planet:   Saturn
Energie: mässig trocken und mässig kühl

Blutungen Bleeding
Hitze Heat
Ausfluss Flux
Blutiger Ausfluss Bloody Flux
Stoppt die Menstruation Courses stops
Schmerzhafter Harndrang Disury
Griess im Urin Gravel
Giftige Tiere Venemous Beasts
Schnupfen Rhewm
Würmer Worms
Hitze Heat
Galle Choller
Entzüdungen Inflamations
Abszesse Apostums
Gangrän Gangrenes
Fisteln Fistulaes
Mundgeschwüre Cankers
Geschwüre Ulcers
Wunden Wounds
Ohren Ears

Description: This is generally so wel known that it needeth no Description.
Place: It groweth in every Country of this Land, by the Highway sides and by foot paths in Fields, as also by the sides of old Walls.
Time: It springeth up late in the Spring, and abideth until Winter, when all the branches perish.
Use: The Juyce of the common kind of Knot-grass, is most effectuall to stay bleeding at the mouth, being drunke in steeled or red Wine: and the bleeding at the Nose, to be applyed to the Forehead and Temples or to be squirted up into the Nostrils. And no less effectuall to coole temper that heat of the blood, & stomach and to stay any Flux of the blood or humors, as Lask, Bloody flux, Womens courses, and Running of the Reins. It is singular good to provoke Urine, helpe the strangurie, and allay the heate that cometh therby; and it powerful by Urin to expel the Gravell, or stone in the kidneys or Bladder, a dram of the pouder of the Herb being taken in wine for many dayes together: Being boyled in wine and drunke, it is profitable to those that are stung or bitten by venemous creatures, and very effectual to stay al defluxions of rhewmatick humors upon the stomach, & killeth Worms in the belly or stomack, quieteth inward paines that arise from the heat, sharpness & corruption of blood and Choller: The distilled water herof taken by itself, or wth the pouder of the Herb or seed, is very effectual to al the purposes aforesaid, and is accounted as one of the most Soveraign remedies to cool all manner of inflamations, breakings out through heate, hot Swellings, and Impostumations, Gangrenes, and Fistulous Cankers, or foule filthy Ulcers, being applyed or put into them; but especially for all sorts of Ulcers and Sores happening in the privie parts of men or women. It helpeth all fresh and green Wounds, and speedily helpeth them: The Juyce dropped into the Ears cleanseth them being foule and having running matter in them.
Saturn seems to me to own the Hearb, and yet some hold the Sun, out of doubt 'tis Saturn, it is very prevalent for the premises: as also for btoken Joynts, and Ruptures.
Edgenote: Bleeding, Heat, Flux, Bloody Flux, Courses stops, Disury, Gravel, Venemous Beasts, Rhewm, Worms, Heat. Choller, Inflamations, Apostums, Gangrenes, Fistulaes, Cankers, Ulcers, Wounds, Ears.

22.12.2024 J.N.