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Centaurea (jacea u.a.)

King's clover

Planet:   Saturn
Energie: sehr trocken und sehr kalt

Ausfluss Fluxes
Blutungen Bleeding
Gebrochene Venen Veins broken
Lungentuberkulose Phtisick
Stürze Falls
Stösse Blows
Zerrungen Ruptures
Wunde Stellen Sores
Mundgeschwüre Cankers
Krätziger Kopf Scabby head
Entzündete Kehle Sore throat
Gaumenzäpfchen Vvula
Kiefer Jaws

Description: The common sort herof hath many long and somwhat broad darke green leaves, rising from the root deeply dented about the edges, and somtimes a little rent or torne on both sides in two or three places, and somwhat hairy withal among which riseth up a strong round stalk four or five foot high, devided into many branches: at the tops wherof stand great scalygreen heads, & from the middle of them thrust forth a number of dark purplish red thrumms or threds, which after they are withered and past, ther is found divers black Seeds: lying in a great deal of down, somwhat like unto a Thistle Seed, but smaller: The Root is white, hard and woody, with divers fibres annexed therunto, which perisheth not but abideth with leavs theron all the winter, shooting out fresh every Spring.
Place: It groweth in most Feilds and Meadows, and about their borders and Hedges and in many wast grounds also, almost every where.
Time: It usually flowreth in June and July, and the seed is ripe shortly after.
Use: This Knapweed helpeth to stay Fluxes, both of blood at the mouth or nose, or other outward parts, and those veins that are inwardly broken, or inward wounds, as also the Fluxes of the belly; It stayeth the distillations of thin and sharp humors from the head upon the stomach and Lungs: it is good for those that are bruised by any fall, blowes, or otherwise. It is very profitable for those that are bursten and have a Rupture, by drinking the decoction of the Hearbe and roots in wine and applying the same outwardly to the place. It is singular good in al running sores, cankrous and fistulous drying up the moysture and healing them up gently, without sharpness; it doth the like to running sores or scabs of the head or other parts. It is of special use for the soreness of the Throat, swelling of the Vvula and Jaws; and excellent good to stay the bleeding and heale up all green wounds.
Saturn challengeth the herb for his own.
Edgenote: Fluxes, Bleeding, Veins broken, Phtisick, Falls, Blows, Ruptures, Sores, Cankers, Scabby head, Sore throat, Vvula, Jaws.

22.12.2024 J.N.