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IVY | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EfeuHedera helixIvy TreePlanet: Mond
Stichworte: |
Description: | This is so well known to every Child al to grow in Woods upon the Trees, and upon the stone Walls of Churches, Houses, &c. and somtimes to grow alone of it self, though but seldom. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowreth not until July, and the Berries are not ripe til Christide that they have felt the Winter Frosts. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | A pugil of the Flowers, which may be about a dram (saith Dioscorides) drunk twice a day in red Wine, helpeth the Lask and Bloody Flux. It is an enemy to the Nerves and Sinews being much taken inwardly, but very helpful unto them being outwardly applied. Pliny saith that the yellow Berries are good against the Jaundice, and taken before one be set to drink hard, preserveth from drunkeness, and helpeth those that spit Blood: and that the white Berries being taken inwardly, or applied outwardly killeth the Worms in the Belly. The Berries are a singular Remedy to prevent the Plague, as also to free them from it that have got it, by drinking the Berries therof made in Pouder, for two or three daies together: They being taken in Wine do certainly help to break the Stone, provoke Urine and Womens Courses. The fresh Leavs of Ivy boyled in Vinegar, and applied warm to the sides of those that are troubled with the Spleen, Ach, or Stitch in the sides, doth give them much eas: The same applied with some Rosewater and Oyl of Roses to the Temples and Forehead, easeth the Headach though it be of long continuace. The fresh Leavs boyled in Wine, and old filthy Ulcers that are hard to be cured washed therewith, doth wonderfully help to clens and heal them, it also quickly healeth green Wounds, as also it is effectual to heal al Burnings and Scaldings, and all kinds of ezuicerations coming thereby. or by Salt Flegm or hot Humors in other parts of the Body. The Juyce of the Berries or Leavs snuffed up into the Nose, purgeth the head and Brain of thin Rhewm that maketh Defluxions into the Eyes and Nose, and cureth the Ulcers and Stench therin: The same dropped into the Ears helpeth the old and running Sores of them. Those that are troubled with the Spleen shal find much eas by continual drinking out of a Cup made of Ivy, so as the drink may stand some smal time therein before it be drunk. Cato saith, that Wine put into such a Cup wil soak through it, by reason of the Antipathy that is between them. There seems to be a very Antipathy between Wine and Ivy, for if any have got a surfet by drinking Wine, his speediest cure is to drink a draught of the same Wine wherein a handful of Ivy Leavs being first bruised have been boyled. |
Edgenote: | Flux, Bloody Flux, Jaundice, Spitting Blood, Worms, Drunkeness, Pestilence. Stone, Disury, Terms provokes, Spleen, Stitch, Headach, Ulcers, Wounds, Burnings, Scaldings, salt Flegm, Rhewm, Sore Ears. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |