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ST. JOHNS WORT | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
JohanniskrautHypericum perforatumJohn's Wort (St.)Planet: Sonne / Löwe
Stichworte: |
Description: | The common St. Johns-wort shooteth forth brownish, upright, hard, round Stalks, two foot high, spreading many Branches from the sides up to the tops of them with two smal Leavs set one against another at every place, which are of a deep green colour, somwhat like the Leavs of the lesser Centaury, but narrower, and ful of smal holes in every Leaf, which cannot be so wel perceived as when they are held up to the light: At the tops of the Stalks and Branches stand yellow Flowers made of five Leavs apiece, with many yellow threds in the middle, which being bruised do yeild a reddish Juyce like blood after which come smal round Heads wherein is contained smal blackish Seed smelling like Rozin: The Root is hard and woody with divers strings and fibres at it, and of a brownish colour which abideth in the ground many yeers, shooting anew every Spring. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | This groweth in Woods and Copses, as wel those that are shady, as open to the Sun. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | They Flower about Midsummer, and in July, and their Seed is ripe in the latter end of July or in August. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | St. Johns-wort, is as singular a Wound Herb as any other whatsoever, either for inward Wounds, Hurts, or Bruises, to be boyled in Wine and drunk, or prepared into Oyl or Oyntment, Bath or Lotion outwardly: It hath power to open Obstructions, to dissolve Swellings to close up the Lips of Wounds, and to strengthen the parts that are weak & feeble. The Decoction of the Herb and Flowers, but of the Seed especially in Wine being drunk; or the Seed made into Pouder and drunk with the Juyce of Knotgrass, helpeth al manner of spitting and Vomiting of Blood, be it by any Vein broken inwardly, by Bruises, Falls, or howsoever: The same helpeth those that are bitten or stung by any Venemous Creature: And is good for those that are troubled with the Stone in their Kidneys, or that cannot make water; and being applied provoketh Womens Courses. Two drams of the Seed of St. Johns-wort made into Pouder and drunk in a little Broth, doth gently expel Choller, or congealed Blood in the Stomach; The Decoction of the Leavs and Seeds being drunk somwhat warm before the Fits of Agues, whether by the Tertians, or Quartanes, doth alter the fits, and by often using doth take them quite away: The Seed is much commended being drunk for forty daies together, to help the Sciatica: The Falling sickness, and the Palsey. It is under the Coelestial Sign Leo, and under the Dominion of the Sun, it may be if you meet with a Papist that is an Astrologer, he will tel you St. John made it over to him by a Letter of Attourney, especially if withal he be a Lawyer also. |
Edgenote: | Wounds, Bruises, Obstructions, Swellings, Spitting and Vomiting blood. Venemous Beasts, Disury, Choller, Agues, Sciatica, Falling-sickness, Palsey. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |