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HOUNDSTONGUE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HundszungeCynoglossum officinaleHoundstonguePlanet: Merkur
Stichworte: |
Description: | The great ordinary Houndstongue hath many long and somwhat narrow, soft, hairy darkish green Leavs, lying on the ground somwhat like unto Bugloss Leavs, from among which riseth up a rough hairy Stalk about two foot high, with some smaller Leavs thereon, and branched at the top into divers parts, with a smal Leaf at the Foot of every Branch, which is somwhat long, with many Flowers set along the same, which Branch is crooked or turned inwards before it Flowreth and openeth by degrees as the Flowers do blow, which consist of four smal purplish red Leavs of a dead colour, scarce rising out of the Husk wherein they stand, with some threds in the middle: It hath somtimes a white Flower. After the Flowers are past there cometh rough flat Seed, with a smal pointel in the middle, easily cleaving to any Garment that is toucheth, and not so easily pulled off again: The root is black, thick, and long, hard to break, and ful of a clammy Juyce, smelling somwhat strong, of an evil scent as the Leavs also do. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth in most places of this Land, in wast grounds, and untilled places by high way sides, Lanes, and Hedg sides. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowreth about May and June, and the Seed is ripe shortly after. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The Root is very effectually used in Pills, as wel as in Decoctions, or otherwise, to stay al sharp and thin Defluxions of Rhewm from the Head into the Eyes or Nose, or upon the Stomach or Lungs, as also for Coughs or shortness of breath. The Leavs boyled in Wine (saith Dioscorides) but others do rather appoint it to be made with Water, and to ad thereto Oyl and Salt, mollifieth or openeth the Belly downwards; it also helpeth to cure the biting of a mad Dog, some of the Leavs being also applied to the Wound: The Leavs bruised, or the Juyce of them boyled in Hogs Lard, and applied, helpeth the falling away of the Hair which cometh of hot and sharp humors; as also for any place that is scalded or burnt: The Leavs bruised and laid to any green Wound doth heal it up quickly. The Root baked under the Embers wrapped in Past, or wet Papers, or in a wet double Cloth, and thereof a Suppository made and put up into, or applied to the Fundament, doth very effectually help the painful Piles or Hemorrhoids. The distilled Water of the Herb and Roots, is very good to al the purposes aforesaid, to be used as wel inwardly to drink, as outwardly to wash any sore places, or it healeth al manner of Wounds and Punctures and those foul Ulcers that arise by the French Pox. Mizaldus ads to this, that the Leavs laid under the Feet wil keep the Dogs from barking at you, Houndstongue becaus it tries the Tongue of Hounds, whether it be true or not I never tried yet I have cured the biting of a mad Dog with this only Medicine. |
Edgenote: | Eyes, Nose, Stomach, Lungs, Shortness of breath, Mad Dogs. Scaldings, Burnings, Hemorrhoids, Wounds, Ulcers, French Pox. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |