Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 HOUSLEEKS, or SENGREEN



Sempervivum tectorum


Planet:   Jupiter
Energie: sehr kalt und neutral feucht

Hitze Heat
Augen Eyes
Wechselfieber Agues
Durst Thirst
Salziger Schnupfen Salt Rhewms
Ohren Ears
Stoppt die Menstruation Terms stops
Ausfluss Fluxes
Entzüdungen Inflamations
Antoniusfeuer (Ergotismus) St Anthonies Fire
Verbrennungen Burnings
Verbrühungen Scaldings
Pusteln Tetters
Haarflechte (Ringelflechte) Ringworms
Hornhaut an Händen und Füssen Corns on the Hands and Feet
Kopfschmerz Headach
Ekstase Frenzy
Augen Watching
Blutungen Bleeding
Nesseln Nettles
Bienen Bees
und weitere &c

Description: These are so wel known unto my Country Men that I shal not need to write any Description of them.
Place: It groweth commonly on Walls and Hous sides, and flowreth in July.
Time: -
Use: Our ordinary Housleek is good for all inward heats, as wel as outward, and in the Eyes or other parts of the Body: A Posset made with the Juyce of Housleek is singular good in al hot Agues, for it cooleth and tempereth the Blood and Spirits, and quench the thirst; and is also good to stay al hot Defluxions of sharp and salt Rhewms in the Eyes, the Juyce being dropped into them, or into the Ears helpeth them; It helpeth also other Fluxes of Humors into the Bowels, and the immoderate Courses of Women. It cooleth and restraineth also all other hot Inflamations. St. Anthonies Fire, Scaldings and Burnings, the Shingles, fretting Ulcers, Cankers, Tetters, Ringworms and the like, and much easeth the pain of the Gout proceeding from an hot caus. The Juyce also taketh away Warts and Corns in the Hands or Feet, being often bathed therewith, and the Skin of the Leavs being laid on them afterwards. It easeth also the Headach, and distempered heat of the Brain in Phrensies, or through want of sleep, being applied to the Temples and Forehead. The Leavs bruised and laid upon the Crown or Seam of the Head staieth bleeding at the Nose very quickly. The distilled Water of the Herb is profitable for all the purposes aforesaid: The Leavs being gently rubbed on any place stung with Nettles or Bees, doth quickly take away the Pain.
It is an Herb of Jupiter, and it is reported by Myzaldus to preserve, it grows upon from Fire and Lightning.
Edgenote: Heat, Eyes, Agues, Thirst, Salt Rhewms, Ears, Terms stops, Fluxes, Inflamations, St Anthonies Fire, Burnings, Scaldings, Tetters, Ringworms, Corns on the Hands and Feet, Headach, Frenzy, Watching, Bleeding, Nettles, Bees, &c .

22.12.2024 J.N.