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HORSTAIL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ackerschachtelhalm, ZinnkrautEquisetum arvense (Cauda equina)HorsetailPlanet: Saturn
Stichworte: |
Description: | Of this there are many kinds, but I shall not trouble you not my self with any large Description of them, which to do, were but as the Proverb is, to find a knot in a Rush; All the kinds hereof being nothing else but knotted Rushes, some with Leavs and some without: Take the Description of the most eminent sort as followeth. The greater Horstail at the first springing hath Heads somwhat like those of Asparagus, and after grow to be hard, rough, hollow Stalks, joynted at sundry places up to the top, a foot high, so made as if the lower part were put into the upper, whereat grow on each side a Bush of smal, long, Rush-like hard Leavs, each part resembling a Hors Tail (from whence it was so called). At the tops of the Stalks come forth smal Catkins like to those of Trees. The Root creepeth under ground having Joynts at sundry places. |
Place: | This (as most of the other sorts hereof) groweth in wet grounds. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | They spring up in April, and their blooming Catkins in July, seeding for the most part in August, and then perish down to the ground, rising afresh in the Spring. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | Horstail, the smoother rather than the rough, and the Leaved rather than the Bare are most Physical. It is very powerful to stanch bleedings whersoever, either inward or outward, the Juyce or Decoction, or distilled Water applied outwardly: It staieth also al sorts of Lasks and Fluxes in Man or Woman, and the pissing of Blood, and healeth also not only the inward Ulcers, and excoriations of the Entrails, Bladder, &c. but al other sorts of foul, moist, and running Ulcers, and soon sodereth together the tops of green Wounds; It cureth also Ruptures in Children. The Decoction hereof in Wine being drunk provoketh Urin, and helpeth the Stone and the Strangury; and the distilled Water thereof drunk two or three times in a day, a smal quantity at a time; as also easeth the Intrails or Guts, and is effectual against a Cough that cometh by distillation from the Head. The Juyce or distilled Water being warmed, and hot Inflamations, Pustules, or red Wheals, and other breakings out in the Skin, being bathed therewith doth help them, and doth no less eas the Swellings, heat, and Inflamations of the Fundament or Privy parts in Man or Woman. The Herb is belonging to Saturn yet is very harmless, and excellent good for the Premises. |
Edgenote: | Bleeding, Flux, Terms stops, Pissing Blood, Inward Ulcers, Excoriations of the Bladder, Ulcers, Wounds, Ruptures, Disury, Stone, Strangury, Cough, Inflamations, Pimples, Red Faces. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |