Warning: mysqli_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50550 Library:50640 in /var/www/web257/html/wurzli/dbconnect.php on line 2 HOREHOUND



Leonurus marrubiastrum


Planet:   Merkur
Energie: mässig warm und sehr trocken

Atemnot Difficulty of breath
Husten Cough
Tuberkulose Consumption
Phlegma Flegm
Provoziert die Menstruation Terms provokes
Nachgeburt Afterbirth
Müdigkeit Weariness
Gift Poyson
Giftige Tiere Venemous Beasts
Geschwüre Ulcers
Seiten Sides
Augen Eyes
Gelbsucht Yellow Jaundice
Ohren Ears
Stauungen der Leber und Milz Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen
Leber Liver
Juckreiz Itch
Pusteln Tetters
Würmer Worms
Hunde Bisse Dogs bitings
Weibliche Brüste Womens Breasts
Dornen Thorns
Asthma Asthmaes

Description: Common Horehound groweth up with square hoary Stalks, half a yard or two foot high, set at the Joynts with two round crumpled rough Leavs, of a sullen hoary green colour, of a reasonable good scent, but a very bitter tast: The Flowers are smal, white and gaping, set in rough, hard, prickly Husks, round about the Joynts with the leaves from the middle of the Stalk upwards, wherein afterwards is found smal round blackish Seed. The root is blackish, hard, and woody, with many strings thereat, and abideth many years.
Place: It is found in many parts of this Land, in dry grounds and wast green places.
Time: It Flowreth in or about July, and the Seed is ripe in Augst.
Use: A Decoction of the dried Herb with the Seed, or the Juyce of the green Herb taken with Honey, is a Remedy for those that are pursie or short winded, or have a Cough or are fallen into a Consumption either through long sickness, or thin Distillations of Rhewm upon the Lungs. It helpeth to expectorate tough Flegm from the Chest, being taken with the Roots of Iris or Orris. It is given to Women to bring down their Courses, to expel the Afterbirth, and to them that have sore and long Travails, as also to those that have taken Poyson, or are stung or bitten by Venemous Serpents: The Leavs used with Honey purge foul Ulcers stay running or creeping sores, and the growing of the Flesh over the Nails. It also helpeth pains of the sides. The Juyce thereof with Wine and Honey helpeth to cleer the Eyesight, and snuffed up into the Nostrils, purgeth away the yellow Jaundice, and with a little Oyl of Roses dropped into the Ears easeth the pains of them. Galen saith it openeth Obstructions both of the Liver and Spleen, purgeth the Breast and Lungues of Flegm; and used outwardly, it both clenseth and digesteth. A decoction of Horehound (saith Mathiolus) is available for those that have bad Livers, and for such as have Itches and running Tetters; The Pouder hereof taken, or the Decoction, killeth Worms. The green Leavs bruised and boyled in old Hogs Greas unto an Oyntment, healeth the biting of Dogs abateth the Swellings of Womens Breasts, and taketh away the Swelling and Pains that come by any pricking of Thorns, or such like means, and used with Vinegar it clenseth and healeth Tetters. There is a Syrup made of Horehound to be had at the Apothecaries, very good for old Coughs, to rid the tough Flegm, as also to avoid cold Rhewm from the Lungs of old Folks, and for those that are Asmatick or short winded.
Edgenote: Difficulty of breath, Cough, Consumption, Flegm, Terms provokes, Afterbirth, Weariness, Poyson, Venemous Beasts, Ulcers, Sides, Eyes, Yellow Jaundice, Ears, Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen. Liver, Itch, Tetters, Worms, Dogs bitings, Womens Breasts, Thorns, Asthmaes.

22.12.2024 J.N.