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Hyssopus officinalis


Planet:   Jupiter / Krebs
Energie: neutral warm und mässig trocken

Husten Cough
Kurzatmigkeit Shortness of breath
Keuchen Wheesing
Dicke Säfte Gross Humors
Würmer Worms
Gelbsucht yellow Jaundice
Wassersucht Dropsie
Milz Spleen
Entzüdungen Inflamations
schwarze und blaue Flecken black and blue spots
Peritonsillarabszess Quinsie
Zahnschmerzen Toothach
Ohrgeräusche Noise in the Ears
Giftige Tiere Venemous Beasts
Läuse Lice
Juckreiz am Kopf Itching of the Head
Epilepsie Falling-sickness
Wunden Wounds

Description: This is so well known to be an Inhabitant in every Garden, that it wil save me Labor in writing a Description thereof. The Vertues are as followeth.
Place: in every Garden
Time: -
Use: Dioscorides saith that Hysop boyled with Rue and Honey, and drunk, helpeth those that are troubled with Coughs, shortness of breath, wheesing, and Rhewmatick Distillations upon the Lungs: Taken also with Oximel, it purgeth gross Humors by the Stool; and with Honey killeth Worms in the Belly; and with fresh or new Figs bruised, helpeth to loosen the Belly, and more forcibly if the Root of Flower-de-luce and Cresses be added therto. It amendeth and cherisheth the Native colour of the Body spoiled by the yellow Jaundice, and being taken with Figs and Nitre helpeth the Dropsie and the Spleen. Being boyled with Wine, it is good to wash Inflamations: and taketh away black and blew Spots and Marks that come by Strokes, Bruises, or Fals, being applied with warm Water.
It is an excellent Medicine for the Quinsie, or Swelling in the Throat, to wash and gargle it, being boyed with Figs. It helpeth the Toothach, being boyled in Vinegar, and gargled therwith. The hot Vapors of the Decoction taken by a Funnel in at the Ears, easeth the Inflamations and singing nois of them: Being bruised and Salt, Honey, and Cummin Seed put to it, it helpeth those that are stung by Serpents. The Oyl thereof being anoynted killeth Lice, and taketh away Itching of the Head: It helpeth those that have the Falling-sickness which way soever it be applied: It helpeth to expectorate tough Flegm, and is effectual in al cold Griefs, or Diseases of the Chest and Lungs, being taken either in a Syrup or licking Medicine. The green Herb bruised and a little Sugar put thereto, doth quickly heal any cut, or green Wound, being therunto applied.
The Herb is Jupiters, and the Sign Cancer; It strengthens all the parts of the Body under Cancer and Jupiter, which what they be may be found amply discoursed of in my Astrological Judgment of Diseases.
Edgenote: Cough, Shortness of breath, Wheesing, Gross Humors, Worms, yellow Jaundice, Dropsie, Spleen, Inflamations, black and blue spots, Quinsie, Toothach, Noise in the Ears, Venemous Beasts, Lice, Itching of the Head, Falling-sickness, Wounds.

22.12.2024 J.N.