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HERB TRUE-LOVE, or ONE-BERRY | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Einbeere vierblättrigeParis quadrifoliaOne-berryPlanet: Venus
Stichworte: |
Description: | The ordinary Herb True-love, hath a small creeping Root running under the upper crust of the ground, somwhat like a Coutchgrass Root but not so white, shooting forth stalks with leavs, some wherof carry no berries, though others do, every stalk smooth without Joynts and blackish green, rising about half a foot high if it bear berries otherwise seldom so high, bearing at the top four leaves set directly one against another in maner of a Cross or a Riband tied (as it is called) on a True-loves Knot: which are each of them a part: somwhat like unto a Nightshade Leav, but somwhat broader, having somtimes but three Leavs, sometimes five, sometimes six, and these somtimes greater than in others. In the middle of the four Leavs riseth up one smal slender Stalk about an inch high, bearing at the top thereof one Flower spread open like a Star consisting of four small and narrow long pointed Leavs of a yellowish green colour, and four other lying between them lesser than they; in the middle wherof standeth a round dark purplish Button or Head, compassed about with eight smal yellow Mealy threds, with three colours make it the more conspicuous and lovely to behold: This Button or Head in the middle, when the other Leavs are withered, becometh a blackish Purple Berry full of Juyce of the bigness of a reasonable Grape, having within it many white Seeds: The whol Plant is without any manifest tast. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It groweth in Woods and Copses, and somtimes in the corners or borders of Fields and wast Grounds in very many places of this Land; and abundantly in the Woods, Copses, and other places about Chisselhurst and Maidstone in Kent. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | They spring up in the middle of April or May, and are in Flower soon after; The Berries are ripe in the end of May, and in some places in June. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use: | The Leavs or Berries hereof are effectual to expel poyson of all sorts, especially that of the Aconites, as also the Plague, and other Pestilential Diseases. Some have been holpen therby saith Mathiolus, that have lien long in a lingring sickness, and others that by Witchcraft (as it was thought) were become half foolish, by taking a dram of the Seeds or Berries hereof in Pouder every day for twenty daies together, they were restored to their former health. The Roots in Pouder taken in Wine easeth the pains of the chollick speedily: The Leavs are very effectual as well for green Wounds, as to clens and heal up old filthy Sores and Ulcers; and is very powerful to discuss all Tumors, and Swellings in the Cods, privy Parts, or Groyn, or in any part of the Body, and speedily to ally all Inflamations. The Leavs or their Juyce applied to Felons, or those Nails of the Hands or Toes that have Imposthumes or Sores gathered together at the Roots of them, healeth them in short space. The Herb is not to be described for the premises, but is fit to be nourished in every good Womans Garden. Venus owns it. |
Edgenote: | Poyson, Pestilence, Feavers, Witchcraft, Chollick, Wounds, Ulcers, Swellings in the Groyn, Cods, and Privities, Inflamations, Aposthumes. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |