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HENBANE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bilsenkraut schwarzesHyoscyamus nigerHenbane (Common)Planet: Saturn
Stichworte: |
Description: | Our common Henbane hath very large, thick, soft, wooly Leavs lying upon the ground, much cut in or torn on the edges of a dark ill grayish green colour, among which rise up divers thick & short Stalks two or three foot high, spread into divers smaller Branches with lesser Leavs on them, and many hollow Flowers scarce appearing above the Husks, and usually torn on the one side, ending in five round points growing one above another, of a deadish yellow colour, somwhat paler toward the edges, with many purplish Veins therein, and of a dark yellowish purple in the bottom of the Flower, with a smal pointel of the same colour in the middle, each of them standing in hard close Husk, which after the Flower is past, groweth very like the Husk of Asarabacca, and somwhat sharp at the top Points, wherein is contained much smal Seed very like Poppy Seed, but of a dusky grayish colour. The Root is great, white and thick, branching forth divers waies under ground, so like a Parsnip Root (but that it is not so white) that it hath deceived divers. The whol Plant more than the Root hath a heavy ill soporiferous smell somwhat offensive. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Place: | It commonly groweth by the way sides, and under Hedg sides and Wals. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time: | It Flowreth in July, and springeth again yeerly of its own Seed. I doubt my Author mistook July for June, if not for May. |
Use: | The Leavs of Henbane do cool all hot Inflamations in the Eyes or any other part of the Body; and are good to asswage all manner of Swellings of the Cods or Womens Breasts, or els where, if they be boyled in Wine, and either applied themselves or the Fomentation warm; it also asswageth the pain of the Gout, the Sciatica and all other pains in the Joynts which arise from an hot caus. And applied with Vinegar to the Forehead and Temples, helpeth the Headach and want of sleep in hot Feavers. The Juyce of the Herb or Seed, or the Oyl drawn from the Seed doth the like. The Oyl of the Seed is helpful for the Deafness, Nois, and Worms in the Ears, being dropped therein; the Juyce of the Herb, or Root doth also the same. The Decoction of the Herb, or Seed, or both, killeth Lice in Man and Beast. The fume of the dried Herb Stalks and Seed burned, quickly healeth Swellings, Chilblains, or Kibes in the Hands or Feet, by holding them in the fume thereof. The Remedy to help those that have taken Henbane is to drink Goats Milk, Honyed Water or Pine Kernels, with Sweet Wine: or in the absence of these, Fennel Seed, Nettle Seed, the Seed of Cresses, Mustard, or Radish, as also Onions, or Garlick taken in Wine, do all help to free them from danger, and restore them to their due temper again. Take notice that this Herb must never be taken inwardly, outwardly, an Oyl, Oyntment, or Plaister of it, is most admirable for the Gout, to cool the Venerial heat of the Reins in the French Pox, to stop the Toothach being applied to the aching side, to allay all Inflamations, and to help the Diseases before premised. I wonder in my Heart how Astrologers could take on them to make this an Herb of Jupiter, and yet Mizaldus, a man of a penetrating Brain, was also of this Opinion as wel as the rest, the Herb is indeed under the Dominion of Saturn, and I prove it by this Argument. All the Herbs which delight most to grow in Saturnine places, are Saturnine Herbs. But Henbane delights most to grow in Saturnine places, and whol Cart loads of it may be found neer the places where they empty the common Jakes, and scarce a stinking Ditch to be found without, it growing by it. Ergo 'tis an Herb of Saturn. |
Edgenote: | Inflamation, Cods, Womens Breasts, Gout, Sciatica, Joynts, Watching, Deafness, Noise in the Ears, Chilblains, Kibes, French Pox. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22.12.2024 J.N. |